Wednesday, December 30, 2009
So okay, first of all, why is it such a big deal if someone has friends? I'm completely banned from having friends because it seems like I have too many? In what way is that sane, or fair? I've never been the type of girl to have thousands upon thousands of friends. I'm not the girl that can hang out with like 40 people and have a good time. I like having small groups, but I'm allowed to have friends. And I'm allowed to have friends that are closer than others. My best friends are my business, but I have a right to say I have best friends because I do. And I can have as many as I'd like to. My best friends are Mandy, Liam, Mitchel and Nick. Yes, I do have a lot of best friends but those are the people I can tell anything to, they're the people I go to about everything. I don't care what people say about that. Brandi, my mom, they're also my bset friends because I'm close to my family. My dad, my mom, my older sister, they know everything about me and so do my older brother, and younger siblings. That's just how our family works.
Secondly, I DID NOT IN ANYWAY say that Angelina Jolie, or any other parent in the industry was the cause or the reason for the paparazzi. At all! It's disgusting that old men with cameras could stalk anyone, being 5 years old, 17 years old, or 40. I hate paparazzi as it is, being stalked with cameras, being followed and being creeped out because old guys wanna wait outside of my fence for me to get up in the morning. But the fact that it's legal, or that people aren't taking action against them following young children is worse! My sister is 9 and she is SO afraid of paparazzi, they have no boundaries. When I was her age I remember benig with my daddy when they'd go after him, but they had restrictions. They couldn't get so close, they had limits of like 3 feet or whatever. Now they don't even have that! I couldn't tell you how many times they've crawled on my car or screamed at me, or yelled and jumped under me to try and get shots up my skirts. It's a disgusting and dirty career that I'm sick to my stomach that people would honestly take part in. Anywho, I in no way said that it was the parents fault, or that they should do anything - I'm saying it's disgusting people stalk anyone, but especially BABIES.
Thirdly, I am a 17 year old girl, I can make decisions on my own, ESPECIALLY what I eat! Who cares if I eat a bowl of cereal, or 17 hamburgers. I went to a burger place, I was HUNGRY, and I ate. I didn't do anything to make them do anything differently or treat me differently and they didn't. If anyone else went in and said they wanted that, they would've gotten it too. I didn't say, "I want 20 differnt burgers here NOW." I was eating a burger, looking at the menu and ordered another one. I was hungry, and that's my business. I'm a big girl, I like to eat. That's not anyone's problem but my own. And no they didn't "give me a number" for 24/7 service. They closed at like 9, and we didn't get any special treatment either. We left at 8:45 so they could get their stuff clean and we didn't bother them or their closing hours. And we didn't "not tip" or anyhting thsoe stupid sites said either, we tipped them as much as we should have and none of the workers or anyone had a problem with us, we all joked and a lot of them from time to time came and sat down with us because we were all really friendly and they were too. It was a good time, it's stupid people would make a story about a girl eating. Yeah, I eat a lot, probably more than others my age that's my problme. I like eating, and I'm not gonna stop so that stories don't get printed.
Fourth, Mitchel came to stay with us because he's my best friend. He came NOT because of "boy problems", because I was touring with Metro Station, which has his brother Mason included in the band. He came to see him, and came to see me because we're besties and we wanted to see eachother. Who cares.
Fifth, "7 Things" I did NOT change the lyrics to make fun of anyone, hurt anyone, or dedicating it to Nick. Nick is one of my bestest friends and I didn't mean he was gay, or anything like that. It was a transition for the song. that's all I'm gonna say about that because that's the stupidest thing I've EVER heard.
Sixth, there WILL be a Wonder World DVD, I can't wait for that and I hope everyone else is just as excited as I am! It'll be featuring a concert, backstage, more fun stuff and all that jazz. It'll be really fun and I really can't wait!
I CAN'T BELIEVE TOUR IS OVER, but I can't wait to be back in the swing of things back home.
Love you all,
Monday, December 28, 2009

Sunday, December 27, 2009
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
I can go into a room and it be all family and not judged so no matter what you say it's like nothing will be out, nothing will be judged, nothing will be taken differently or misquoted and that's an amazing feeling. So I'm really excited, I love the holidays and can't wait for them!
Happy Christmas Eve! what are YOU doing for the holidays?!
Love you guys so much and can't wait to blog some more xo,
Thursday, December 17, 2009

Monday, December 7, 2009

Thursday, December 3, 2009
We just closed my SECOND headlining tour in America!!! =] I'm so so excited, and it's all thanks to you guys! Because of you guys we have donated SO MUCH money to the City Of Hope for Cancer! One dollar off of EVERY ticket sold went to City of Hope!!!
Now we're on our way to the UK, to finish the whole tour!! I'm so excited, spending so much time there! I'll be there for Christmas! I kinda wish I could be back home, but I know London is so beautiful, and I can't wait!
I don't know what else to write, other than that I'm so thankful, I wanted to thank everyone so much for making this tour, not only this tour but everything I've worked so hard for, such a success. You can only be as great as your fans, and I must be doing pretty dang good, cause I have the best fans in the world!!! I honestly love all of you guys, and all of my fans just so so much, I'm so thankful for every single second that you guys are loving me, and I love you guys 10X more!!!
It's been pretty crazy during this tour, I wasn't expecting it to turn out the way it did, the kind of entertainment that we transitioned into, but it's honestly been just so much fun, and such an awesome time and I'm so blessed for the oppurtunities I've had, and hopefully will continue to have in the UK.
Thank you guys so much, and I can't wait to hear from you guys!!
So guys, thank you again for the amazing American tour, I hope some of ya'll got ot come to the shows, with or without being able to go, even through youtube, I hope you all enjoyed it and I can't wait to keep rocking for everyone!
It's a party in the UK! Get ready to rock,
Love ya'll!
Miley C
Monday, November 30, 2009
1. MAKE SURE your all following @theheartofmiley on TWITTER. cause that's my ONLY twitter. That's not ME, it's my friend Ashley that runs it, and I tweet from it SOMETIMES, but mainly it's her and you can send questions and read her Q&A blogs and I answer ya'lls questions. It's really cool, and I love doing it. But if it slows down too much we'll stop doing it! And like we said at the beginning, once it becomes super popular and we get some real traffic & stuff, I'll actually do LIVE CHATS from there. I'm working now to figure out a way to do it without gossip sites getting ahold of it and stuff. Shhhh!
2. Tour is doing so great right now, I'm having so much fun, so many people are coming out and seeing the show, some of my friends, ect. And it's honestly so much fun. It's definetley hard being away from home, my family, my friends but we have family on tour too so that's really cool. I'm doing interviews all the time, shows, ect and it's so much fun. I've been doing so many fan related things and it's so cool to get to see and meet some of ya'll. I have a foundation type thing started up right now that's actually got some special needs kids coming out and seeing soundcheck and I get to meet them too, cause they're honestly going through so much and it's so hard on them and if I can make them smile my jobs done. All kids, I just love kids and meeting them and if they look up to me I'm just so inspired cause kids are the future, and kids are so pure hearted and it's amazing.
3. MY NEW ALBUM!!!!!!! OMG!!! =]
My new album is doing SO awesome, like I said in an interview, I can't write songs just for no reason. It's actually had to HAPPEN to me, and this ENTIRE new album I've written ALL the songs!!! So you'll defineley get way more into my life, the parts that I want to put out there. Because I know that my breakout album was a lot about break ups and stuff and I know like, 7 Things and stuff really helped some girls and that's such an awesome thing, so tons of songs that have been on my heart, that can hopefully help some girls (or guys? Eh? Eh? I dunno!) and kinda just unite us. Cause face it, half of the guys in this world suck. So.. hopefully we all find/found a guy that won't break us.
My last break up was way different from the one in 2007, when Nick J and I broke up I went into a funk. I dyed my hair black, I started acting different, I was trying to seem okay when I wasn't. And I laid in bed all the time and felt sorry for myself, and I ate all the time and I was stuck on mandy like glue, sheliterally like.. never went home cause I always needed her, and she'd basically have to slap me from talking about it so much. I'd listen to their albums, I'd talk about their little update things, ect. And that went on for a few months. Duh, that was my first love so that was really hard. But this last breakup, I was crazy about that guy and that's when I learned how I should handle it. That "breakup" was trying to hold me back, he was trying to tell me if I wanted him I couldn't go live my dream, and I couldn't go and do this thing that I was really working for. And when we broke apart, I realized that the best thing you can do is just get up, and keep moving and keep going.
I don't think I spent one day in bed missing him. I had a hard time, duh, it's a breakup after 11 months. But I got up the next day smiling, and I got more and more excited for Georgia, and I was with friends, and hanging out, and having fun. We filmed Send It On, it was just awesome I had an amazing time. I went off to Georgia happy, and I met the greatest people in the world. And that's what I learned, was never to stop your life over a boy, just get up and keep moving, keep being happy. And now, I'm the happiest I've ever been. So it's been awesome, and hopefully throguh my songs some other girls learn what I learned, and hopefully I can help some girls through their heart aches, and other situations too. We're all growing up, and this record hopefully shows ya'll what I'm going growing into.
There are a few cuss words, OHHH NOOOOOO.. it's honestly not that bad though, people over react to those things. I'm growing up, I'm not saynig adults should say those things but that's the music I want to share. this new record will show what music I like. It's my kind of music, and it's my style, and the style I want to share with people too. it'll be awesome, and I'm so excited and it'll be another one of those times that I learn who my true fans are, by supporting me through another transition.
I'm all for giving power to girls, making them feel better, making them feel happy single and stuff so, hopefullyyy all of this hard work will pay off and I can help some people. Cause the best compliments I can get on my music is, "It helped me." or "I relate to it." and that's such an honor when I can hear that!
Any girl that has gone through a break up like I have or anything, the best thing you can do is get up smiling, tell yourself your beautiful, and you'll never let a guy hold you back. There are TONS of guys out there, don't wate time on one. Don't give your everything to one.
I'm just saying. If he says you're going to be together forever, then WHAT'S THE RUSH?! Just don't do something you'd regret basically.
Anywho, writing too much I need off of my computer for my day off. I LOVE ya'll!! You're absolutely amazing and I can't wait for you guys to hear the album, see the movie, I can't wait to get to Season 4 of Hannah, I'm loving tour, I hope ya'll are too. God bless you guys!
Love always,
Miley Cyrus
And to any guy that thinks I miss him, or want him back, or that I'm hurting over him - I don't, I don't, and I'm NOT. =]
P.S. I know I say I want my personal life personal, then I come write these things - SORRY! Just writing what I want to get out there!!! =]
X's and O's!!!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
I took some time...
So, it's been a while since I've truly blogged, I did decide to quit but something in me keeps telling me that I should.
I just went to write about updates then erased it. Warning: there will be NO updates in this blog! Just what is on my heart!
I just got through with a Thanksgiving break I had in my hometown. That was uh-mazing. I got some special time with some family, old friends, and made amazing memories. I ate tons ( right now I am actually STARVING! I need me some corn nuggets! =) and tons of food, had a wonderful time playing games outside with the family, and quality time with some special people. I actually went through and watched every last Miley & Mandy video! And now I miss my bestie more than anything, but it really smacked me in the face. We've grown up so fast.
It seems like yesterday I was dying my hair black, asking Mandy if she wanted to be best friends. I can't believe such time has passed since that first video, dancing to Janet Jackson. I go back and I look at my face, and the love in my eyes from episode one, to the very latest episode saying good-bye to twitter. Seeing the heartbreak on my face, that no one seemed to notice when we came. But while there was heartbreak, I've also never smiled like I have with Mandy.
No matter what's going on in my life, that girl has been there through everything. And no matter how many episodes we set up, my smiles were all genuine. And there hasn't been an episode yet that I haven't smiled my face off. I owe a lot to Mandy, the healing of a heart break, the warm embrace of a new love, the oppurtunities, and the learning of how to open my arms TO those new oppurtunities and to people that will never truly leave my life. and accepting them back into my heart.
Seeing the time go by, the friends that have come and gone, even the romances, it's all a blur. A blur that I can remember every single second of. But all of those heart breaks, all of those smiles, all of those good-bye's have lead me to where I am today. I truly believe I am my happiest. ( How many times have I said THAT before?!) but it's true. Being 17, I'll have a lot of happiness, and happiests, it's a ladder right now.. All of that someday, hopefully and prayerfully, ending in a family and a marriage, a strong family, friends and support and a love stronger than any boundaries. And who knows, maybe who I have fallen so hard for now, may be that same person.
I have seen so many sunsets, so many endings to days, but now the sunset holds so much more. Everytime I see a sunset I will remember those days on Tybee Island, filming The Last Song this summer. The greatest experience of my life. That was my dream summer, I met the most amazing people, and made some strong relationships that I hope will never fall. And that was where I learned who I, myself, was. That's where I found myself, that's where I learned who I REALLY am... and where I hope to see myself 10 years from now. This summer was like a fairytale, it all ended so quickly but I will always have in my heart the feeling of smiling, truly SMILING, there. And whoever it was that caused those smiles. The feelings.
I remember getting to Tybee, not knowing anyone, being completely alone. Just me and my mom. No one trying to show off infront of me, no one treating me differently. It was scary... to say the least. But starting out being hurt and heart broken, leaving my home, being afraid, and intimidated. Being surrounded by complete strangers that held my entire summer in their hands. And those summer nights, gazing into eyes that I will never and never DID forget. Falling in love, all over again.
So many people look down on me.. Say that I don't know what love is, say that I'm too young to know. And that's fine, I don't mind what they say because I know what my heart says. Anytime that I have ever loved someone it's taken time, it's molded. This summer, I felt what it was like to have someone you love, and truly fall in love at first sight... a million times. Even if "first sight" wasn't first. But a first sight can also be seeing someone for who they've become. And through those transitions. Love at first sight, is love at first glimpse of the heart, not the face.
Knowing eyes, having them memorized over such a long period of time, but literally falling in love everytime you see them, again and again and again and again... And I have, every day before, and now every day after. And I have faith that the feeling will last for a very long time.
It's so funny, to see people thinking that I have ever dated for publicity. Been friends with someone for publicity. When the truth is, no one really knows what my life is about other than me, the "dating"... it's all assumptions. I'm not dating for publicity, people are assuming who I'm with and I'm keeping my private life private. And to them, that's 'publicity'. No one knows my life, my life is PRIVATE. finally. And I wouldnt' change that for the world. I love having something, someone, that's mine. All mine. And the world doesn't have the inside look on it.. there aren't "insiders" between two people. So the rumors, think what you will of them. Believe what you want. At the end of the day I am a 17 year old girl. And my personal life, is personal.
I should probably stop blogging because this is SOOOOO long. But I really just felt the need to get these things out there. To speak my mind, and to speak my heart about these things.
No matter what bumps are in the road, I am still living my life. I am living my dream. Music is still and will always be my reason to breathe. And being able to share that is all I've ever asked. I don't ask for people to assume who I'm dating, I don't ask for cameras to stalk me 24/7 when I'm doing something stupid like getting my nails done. I don't ask for people to think I'm fighting some of my best friends when we're closer than we've ever been... all I've ever asked is to accept me for who I am, no matter who that may be from year to year. Reinventing myself, chhanging myself, no matter who I am. I ask that you accept that... and music IS me. My music is my heart.
Thank you for reading this,
P.S. the best feeling is smiling so much that your cheeks hurt and go numb. that's the best pain that you could ever ask for.
Oh... and,
P.S. I love you. No matter what anyone thinks I think it means.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
We (the Wonder World management) have officially opened a fan mail account.
Hopefully we can get it growing! Spread the word, tell friends, send messages containing opinions, suggestions, or just a message!
You can comment anything from mileymandy to the SHOW itself! And I personally will read it & maybe even reply to your messages!
I don't want "hey what's up" messages, I won't reply to those at ALL! Make sure they are SAFE messages with your heart and thoughts into it! =]
I personally will write back, my managers and things are in on it but WILL NOT write and/or sign my name to ANYTHING!
That way we now have mileyworld, this blog & my FAN MAIL ADDRESS that is OFFICIAL. DO NOT believe FAKE facebook's ect. I DO NOT HAVE A FACEBOOK!
This way parents can write in without spending money on mileyworld, and my fans can write directly to me! While I'm on tour I am on computer a lot and this is a direct link from me, to my FANS. It is a VERIFIED fan mail address. Please spread the word.
Remember the rules, and write in! =]
Love & Blessings,
Miley Cyrus
And remember to keep questions, suggestions and tweets going to @theheartofmiley!! =]
it was OPENED and it is READY today! So write in about ANYTHING, and maybe I will respond to YOU! =]
It is run by my Mom and I! We had a blog on mileyworld before BUT it was closed down, we don't blog there! So this is also run by my Mom, she reads the emails WITH me, so make sure your emails are something my mama would approve of. And I personally MAY respond to YOU! So write in! =]!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
my smile never left me... it's just hiding.
Last night during my show me and Trace, my brother, gotta sing Hovering for the first time on stage. And I was thinking.. I remember singing and having the biggest, truest smile on my face. And it hit me.. I might not smile ALL THE TIME, like I did back in the day that i HAD my "smile".. but on stage, I do. I never realized that on stage, my smiles are the most real they can get. They are the truest smiles I have. So much so that I don't even realize I'm smiling half the time, my heart takes over my face, HA! ( THat's an ORIGINAL Miley quote, feel free to use. "My heart takes over my face when I smile!" - Miley Cyrus. ;) and it's just wonderful because I didn't think I had it anymore.
My truest smile, I remember back in 2007 things were perfect. PERFECT. I had everything I ever needed, I had everyone I needed, and no one hated me. There was no "Anti Miley" there was no "I HATE MILEY CYRUS" crap. There wasn't BAD rumors, there wasn't anything like that.. people actually LIKED me, HA! (Although I'm half tempted to go to Perez Hilton 2007 and check, cause I'm sure he hated me back then too!)And I smiled. I was happy ALL the time.. there was NO bringing me down. I was HAPPY.
And now I realize, when I'm on stage, I'm THAT person. My heart is back in 2007, my mind is in the music and my passion, my drive, my LOVE for life is THERE. It's on fire and it's happy and it's energy and just.. embracing me. I look out at those fans faces, and I just notice how truly blessed I am. Because I truly am. Right now... my heart is so happy. I honestly can't stop smiling. And I laugh, because those people "hating" me, obsessing, trying to make my life hell, it's funny. Because I'm still THIS happy, THIS at peace.
It's true, for a while I was living for blogs. I was living for rumors. I was living for gossip sites. ANd now I'm living for me, and it's made me my happiest. I feel like I'm in 2007 again.
No.. scratch that, I feel like I'm as happy as I used to be, but with more knowledge, more FEELING toward it. I'm HAPPY.
I want everyone to read that, understand it, and don't think it's a "mask" or whatever... I. AM. HAPPY... TRULY HAPPY.
And it's the best feeling in the WORLD. I don't even know what to type anymore because it's honestly just indescribable how happy and amazed I am at how much GOD can do for me.
I am so blessed to have the friends I have that hold my hand and stay with me so long. Mandy, Demi, Paige, Nick, Cory, Ashley (TheHeartOfMiley), Ashley T, Ashlee Nino, all of my amazing dance friensd, Denika, Scott, Mitchel, just.. everyone. They're absolutely SO amazing to me and I'm just beyond blessed. Karina! Lanie! just all of them.
I don't CARE about people saying "Oh no, you're not blah blah blah", it's not true. I'm done living for people like that.
I was talking to Ash (THOM) yesterday, and we were talking about a specific person and she was like "UGH! They're SO annoying!" ( and duh I was too) and I just stopped and was like "I don't even care. If they want to spend their life hunting me down and trying to make my life hell, let them." because it's HAPPINESS for me to knwo that Im' not living for that, I'm BEYOND that, I'm ABOVE that. If you wanna hate on me, if you wanna try and waste your life hurting mine, BE MY GUEST. Because ten years from now, looking back I'M not gonna be the one going "Man! I wish I was doing something to better myself while I was trying to bring her down!" because you probably won't even HEAR about me anymore at that point. You will do NOTHIGN to me, and my life will turn out AMAZING and I will be HAPPY, and you'll be regretting it.
Last night I was in a funk, just for about 20 minutes. And I was just like "What if this doesn't work.. what if I'm alone forever. What if I become nothing." and I know that's not true. I live through GOD, in his light and in his path and he'd never let me be unhappy. And Im' not. And I have faith in that. And I am not afraid, whatsoever, of the future.
2007.. is just a chapter in the story of my life. A huge one of course, and one I'll never regret, and never forget.. but it's just a chapter. And later in life, I can read back on it.. and maybe a few people from that chapter will be with me to look back on it too. But until then I'm just taking it step by step, enjoying everything and every moment. Whether I'm "tweeting" it.. or not.
I am happy. I am dreaming. I am loving. I am in FAITH.
My smile might not come out in paparatzi shots. It might not be in gossip magazine pictures. It might not be in my "emo quotes", it might not be even behind closed doors... but my smile IS in my music. It's in my performance. It's in my PASSION, my DREAM, my LIFE. My love.
I'm not living for people, I'm not living for anyone but myself and GOD. And I love it.
And to a specific person, that probably will never read this, thank you. For making me who I am, for loving me, for making me smile when I didn't think I had it in me anymore. For making me love you. For making me believe in myself, and for making me believe I can do anything. And for always, ALWAYS, catching me when I fall. I love you.
Thank you to everyone for reading, and if you don't like this blog... suck it. =]
I'm going to bed SMILING tonight, and I hope you all do too.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Sushi + the flu = NOT a pretty picture!
So my mommy got me these really weird shoes! Anyone following my twitter has seen em ha! They're insaaaane! So now I'm thinking of movies to watch or something. Mandy can't stay and catch a flu! Blah! But we did make a short video. Not sure if we'll put it up or not for MANY reasons but we'll see! :)
I am SO over being sick! I want it to go away. I've never ever been SO sick in my LIFE! I cancelled so many shows. Including one that a dear friend was going to. You don't know the ammount of sadness, guilt, and sorrow I feel about it. But I'll hit STL reaaallyy soon!
Sorry to anyone who missed a show I CANT wait to be healthy!!! I'm dying of boredom!!! HA!
Xo, MC
Thursday, October 1, 2009
I have an ear infection, strep AND the flu! I am dying!! So I'm going to get back to my "old Disney movie" marathon!! :) love you all an I am SO sorry to you all who are missing the shows or depended on me! We are rescheduling!! Thank you all so much for your uncoditional support!! You don't how much that means to me right now. I am so so sick. It's severe. I've never been this sick before. Please keep me in your prayers. I love you all.
Love always, Miley
I Told You So - Carrie Underwood - 78%
I've just been thinking a lot about life, but really, I'm not in the mood to write all of what is in my mind. It's too confusing for even me right now. Anywho, my fever is 102.5 and it reallyyy sucks! I have a show tomorrow and I am praying that I am better by that time. To everyone in Salt Lake, I am sooo sorry for leaving. I went backstage and got sick. It wasn't me taking a break OR getting emotional! Too many people say it was because it was "7 Things" I got emotional. Uh, no. Haha! Far far FAR from that. Im over it.
I am so thrown back into the past lately too, thinking about the past. How people hurt me and stuff. So yup, I think I'll go now! :) but thanks so much for thr patience you all have shown me, and the unconditional love you show. If only boys were as loyal and caring and loving as you fans ;) hehe.
I LOVE you all so much!! Thank you for everything and I can't wait to get rid of this so I can rock out for yall.
PS I will have some more "personal and thought process'd" things shortly. My mind can't focus right now. :)
Love always, MC <3
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Honestly though I am SO tired! I won't sleep anytime soon but I truly need to!
Ok, my main reason for this "blog" (more like mlog.. Mini blog..) is cause I am going to start doing songs on my blogs. :) in my previous blog I wrote "comfortable" which relates to me in SO many ways, but now I am going to put a song with a percentage beside it. The percentage shows how much the song RELATES to me! I may be tweeting this way too. Such as "comfortable - John Mayer - 89%" means it only relates to my LIFE 89%. I don't want to put "goodbye earl" on here and yall think it's my lifes story!
Anywho. Still sick with strep! UGH! It is NOT fun. I can't wait to get well!!
Good night, sweet dreams, say your prayers and stay happy,
Love, Miley
Catch Me - Demi Lovato - 100%
Love always, MC <3
Comfortable - John Mayer
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
I have been so distant from everyone lately, but I think it's time people meet the real me. The one who isn't perfect all the time, that says cuss words on occasion, that feels emotions and hates cameras (weird right?) I'm tired of feeling like I'm lying to people about who I am because I "parent" every child. I'm a kid myself. Anywho, gotta make this quick.
I love everyone in my life, the show went amazing, I wrote a song, went to dinner blah blah blah. I wanna go home. =)
Love you all, you are amazing. Maybe a paparatzi is reading this now, considering one asked me about this blog yesterday!! Weird huh?! If your reading - LEAVE ME ALONE!!!
PS a very happy late birthday to Nicky, since somehow me not saying it on TWITTER means I "forgot" which I didn't. At all. And he knows it. But for the sanity of fan girls, happy late birthday! And 2 months from TODAY, right now, I'll be 17 too! Whoo wee! Time sure does fly...
I have been so distant from everyone lately, but I think it's time people meet the real me. The one who isn't perfect all the time, that says cuss words on occasion, that feels emotions and hates cameras (weird right?) I'm tired of feeling like I'm lying to people about who I am because I "parent" every child. I'm a kid myself. Anywho, gotta make this quick.
I love everyone in my life, the show went amazing, I wrote a song, went to dinner blah blah blah. I wanna go home. =)
Love you all, you are amazing. Maybe a paparatzi is reading this now, considering one asked me about this blog yesterday!! Weird huh?! If your reading - LEAVE ME ALONE!!!
Love yall, Miley xoxo
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Listening to Amy Whinehouse. I love her music.
PS I love my friends but it's not "fun" to show me what cruel people have to say. That and/or people I dislike. Ugh.
GOD bless, Miley
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Tonight my "aunt" Edi's grandma is passing away. She has been like a grandmother to me for so many years, so please keep her in your prayers. We are all having a very hard struggle about this situation. It's killing us emotionally. Noah walked up to me today asking if she would be with my Pappy. And I know she will be. They're gonna keep it warm up there for us. I am so blessed to have my mammie with me always, and on the road with me now. Healthy. I am so thankful.
I have to stop now, but I heard a really bad rumor about myself today. I won't even say it. I just got done (just before we found out about the tragic news) crying with my mom because I felt so helpless. So many people believe these vicious lies that people create to hurt me. It's sad and I truly hope we overcome this sick twisted "fad" of rumors soon.
I am going to go pray now, and get me some sleep hopefully. Goodnight.
Why do I just lie awake and think of you... I need some sleep... Tomorrow I have things to do. <3
Thursday, September 17, 2009
It was an awesome show, and now I'm so excited for the California shows. My friend Cody Linley is deff coming, Liam, Carter, Mandy, ect to see the show and I think that'll be awesome. I'm absolutely stoked. I'm ready to be away from California though. Actually be on the ROAD. Anywho I have a 13 hour drive ahead of me, so I'm going to attempt this thing called sleep.
Love always, spidermonkey (aka ME) <3
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
I just can't get my heart or my mind into the music tonight and I'm fighting for it. I'm gonna put so much effort though. I honestly am trying, and I hope they still enjoy it.
The bungee, motorcycle, cars, ships, it's so much fun. The stunts are awesome and this is by far the best tour so far! :) love ya!!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Opening Night in Portland
I'm a girl with a period. K? I know mood swings, and I know cramps and the stress and all that stuff.
NO PERIOD has EVER made me more mood swingy than THIS tour has. I have gone to STOKED, to DEPRESSED and "I can't do this, there's no way I can go out there and do this again." to excited, to happy, to surreal, to GOD knows what. It's been absolutely awful on my mom lately because of my moods.
No, of course it's not just tour doing it lately my attitude has been really weird. Not my attitude but my tolerance. For a few days I was absolutely crazy. Snapping at anyone who talked to me, yelling all the time, crying if anyone said something that sounded even slightly bad. And you haven't been to LA with me! Okay, I can't walk NEXT DOOR without at least 5 people tearing me down. So my Mom made me go to the rehearsal and sit there. I wasn't allowed near my phone, I wasn't allowed to go on my computer, nothing. And that still didn't help, but I do believe I needed a small break from all of the criticizm.
Tour. I'm sitting on my stage right now, yawning, whoo hoo! Anywho, There are SO many chairs. And so many instruments ( I'm all alone up here ha) and just everything. I can't believe that tonight I will be going to sleep after my first Wonder World Tour concert! OMG!
And of course last night, being ME I couldn't just sleep. Psh,of course not, that'd be boring. =]
So I stayed awake ALL NIGHT with Cory and Ash ( Ashley runs the Heart of Miley too =] F.Y.I)
So because Cory, is getting MARRIED IN MAY!! YAYYYY! We were having fun talking about wedding dresses and stuff like that, I am SO happy for her you have absolutely NO idea.
She got purposed to and engaged on the swing in Tybee that me and Carly were absolutely addicted to! WE sat and talked there allt he time and it's the PERFECT place for a purposal I SWEAR. I love her! ANYWHO!
We did that and somehow me and Ashley got completely side tracked and got on stardolls and started dressing Avril Lavigne and Britney Spears and Demi and everyone, hahahahahaha! Then Cory fell asleep on us.
I went to sleep about 5 a.m. I had to be up a couple hours after that, slept again for about 30 minutes and I am good! I know it sounds really insensitive of me to stay awake before people go toa show but it helps me. I'm not so nervous, I'm more calm, I can handle things better and not worry. I can go and dance and not care what it looks like and haev a good time. To me, a good show is not only making sure the fans have a good time but making sure the dancers, the band, and your having a good time too. I'd never perform if I wasn't enjoying it and I hope that any other artist wouldn't either because that's a job, not a dream.
I can't believe that opening night has actually come. I feel like yesterday I was on the BOBW tour and saying bye to my tour, and crying and swooning over my black hair! Hahaha! But it's absolutely insane, I honestly can't believe everything that's happened over two years. Things that have happened should've taken me 10 years!I've actually just done SO much, and it's absolutely insane. I've made the greatest friendships that anyone could possibly ever have, and I've made enemies. I'm fighting my own battles as I go and it's making me stronger and that's what I'm focusing on.
I'm super excited for the show, I can't believe that I'm actually doing this again, and getting out there. I truly think ya'll will enjoy the outfits and the fun stuff. We have SO MUCH fake on me. Like people call me "fake" now? hollywood? You don't even KNOW! Haha. After this tour I'll be the most real lookin' thing on earth. I've got fake lashes, I've got fake hair, I've got fake heels and fake everything, it's gonna look really cool though.
We've just definetley got something that's gonna ROCK a lot harder than the first tour, but the first tour was defientley more of a FUN POPPY kinda thing. We had ALL different colors, and ranibows an smiles and whites and pinks and all kinds of happy songs and this tour is that way too, of course I'm happy but it's a bit more mature I'm not gonna lie.
I do wear shorts, and I do wear heels, and I do dance and things like that. I'm 16 and I plan on rocking out like any 16 year old would. People compare the tours a lot, including me but you also ahve to remember. "Still Miley" "Hannah" whatever your using I was 14, and newly 15. Now I'm about to be 17 years old and even though that's only a year older, it's still a HUGE jump in maturity, and in taste and in outlooks and things like that. I'm growing with my fans, and thsoe young fans that come and enjoy it, I truly truly appreciate that. I'm just transitioning too, I can't stay Hannah Montana forever, I'm already gonna pushin' her as a 17 year old whichi s awkward enough to me. But I DO love her, she's a part of me. But me physically? Hannah doesn't exist. I wish she did, but she doesn't. I'm Miley, I'm the girl under the wig and I'm the girl that does have my own thoughts and my own hopes and dreams and aspirations and that's what's important to me.
So yes, the tour will be defientley more Miley. And you also have to keep in mind that Metro Station will be with me, one of THE most mature bands out there right now and they're REALLY fun and know how to get a crowd jumping and that's important. We WILL be doing things like The Hoedown Throwdown, so there IS THINGS FOR KIDS. We will be doing that and more kid songs that are completely child-friendly. ALL OF MY SONGS ARE CHILD FRIENDLY, but I knowt hat some parents are kinda against the fact that they make shorts above the knee and stuff like that... I comlpetely understand I have a little sister.
But we're gonna do all that fun stuff, and hopefully I can put on a REALLY fun show for all ages. I'm gonna be breaking from the Hannah label next year, and that's scary for ME. Like fans are always like "NO I WANT HANNAH!" but the fact is that I'm growing, and I'm really scared because when Hannah's gone, I don't know what fanbase is gonna be there other than my TRUE fans. And I LOVE my true fans more than ANYONE, but transitioning from Disney, I'd rather get an older audience NOW since I'M growing. Get it?
Honestly, after Hannah I have another film and after that I really wanna go back to Tennessee for a year or so, without paparatzi and without rumors, and sites. No work, no nothing. I wanna spend my senior year in my highschool ( even though I'll be graduated by then, I wanna go back) and actually graduate from a school with actual kids, and I want to justnot work. And actually be a normal family that can all be together allt he time, and actually get time with eachother and actually have a boyfriend that isn't on the front of every magazine. And actually be able to be myself and find myself before cameras do.
So I love my fans, and I never want to pop up and be like "I'M LEAVING" and them stop supporting me. I just wanna warn everyone that reads this that soon I WILL be leaving Hollywood, and starting a normal life that I can actually go back to. I DO want to come back, and make my own material, my own rock album and do more tours as an adult, but I'm gonna go home soon... and actually stay home and be a kid for a while, while I can. Bceause these years are SO important.. and I haven't been able to cherish my age, becuase I've had to act older for years. And I wanna go home and be a kid for once.. and not have to care about what the whole world thinks..
ANYWAY, I'm WAAAAY off subject. TOUR TONIGHT! I'm really excited, I truly truly am, and I'm SO thankful for every single fan and especially my TRUE fans that are there throguh every transition and every fault and fall that I have. I love you guys with all my heart and I truly wanted to thank you all becasue your amaizng. I've gone NON STOP for about two years now... and I just can't wait until all of this finally hits the ground and you see everything out there that I'ev worked for you guys to finally get.
As soon as my 2007 tour ended, I ( STARTED THE M&M SHOW YAYY!) recorded Breakout, went to Nashville and filmed a movie, as soon as I was back I was filming Hannah again, I did Bolt, I went and filmed The Last Song, I released the clothing line, did an album, I'm now on tour, then HM4 will be filmed, another movie will be filmed, and I'm just non-stop and the next time I'll actually be able to slow down is about this time NEXT year. That's the next time I'll be able to actually spend a MONTH at home. And that's really sad to have to say. ANd honestly I don't know if I have anything I'll do after that, right now I kinda have a wall up right after that for when I get to that point I can decide what I'm doing.
I have vented way off the pointSO MUCH! I know ya'lls eyes must be SO tired.
TOUR. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! I CANNOT wait for tonight just a few more hours and Miley Cyrus will be ON THE ROAD AGAIN!!! YAYYYY!! I am so thankful for ya'll thank you for bringing everytrhing the success it HAS, thank you all so so much, and I love you guys and your my entire heart, you are my world THANK YOU I love you guys SO much and I truly don't believe you understand or comprehend HOW MUCH you mean to me. I love you.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Maybe it's being nervous, maybe anxious, maybe just plain ol' nervousness. But I'm wiggin' out. I need to slow down and breathe. GOD please grant me that. The strength, patience and understanding to do what I can and not over-react to silly things.
I feel insane. I don't know if I need a doctor or what! Ugh. I need a break from gossip sites too.
I can't wait for tour, I NEED it. 3 days!!! :)
Love always, MC <3
We will always take our hats off, put our hands on our chest and truly be thankful for where we live. So many people have it so much worse...So many people lost families, lives, friends, heroes that day...We dedicated our rehearsal to them today. We sang almost all American songs so far. ( Of course since we have to do rehearsal for Tour it's been Wake Up America... but still.)I love my country. I love my constitution. I love my rights, my laws, my FREEDOM. I have friends in Iraq right now, I have friends in the army, getting ready to give their LIVES for me. For my family, for my friends and for the amazing people living here.
HEROES, truly GIVING THEIR LIVES to protect YOU! You don't think abuot it much, but next time you throw a fit about getting up for school, going to work, doing chores... there are people DYING for you to do that. Right now! Being tortured, being beaten and thrown around...For US. For our COUNTRY. For something that we never take enuogh pride in. There are some bad places... yes. But look how far we've come. Even just women voting. Women being in charge. How hard did we have to fight for that right? A hell of a lot more than we give credit for, I'll tell you that much.
But down to wars, down to explosions, down to people DYING. People losing family, their sons, daughters, sisters, brothers, mothers, fathers... for THIS country. For you sittig reading this blog RIGHT NOW.
9/11 will ALWAYS be remembered. Not for the buildings falling... not for who drove the plane... not even for whatever "images" came out of the smoke that has left us all in awe...But for those people that died. That were there making a living to support their family, those people that had no idea what was gonig on and went down in those two buildings. The people that burned alive, that were crushed by the mass of those buildings. The people that were crushed...And those family's that cried... those friends, and American citizens that CRIED... watching people jump from that building.. watching and hearing them scream.
Everyone's heart fell that day.And there are people fighting for us for that to not happen right now. Go to your family's today, hug them and tell them that you LOVE them. Your friends, your neighbors, your aqquantences.Because it could've been them there that day. And you never know what tomorrow brings. What if they were the people out getting killed for us right now?
They ARE to someoen.
It's someone's FAMILY. Someone's CHILD. Out there protecting OUR COUNTRY...
GOD bless your family's, GOD BLESS THOSE SOLDIERS... And GOD bless America.
Listen to this song... and LOVE everyone today
God bless YOU.
Where do you see Freedom? Where do you see love and heroic figures? Where do you see something you'd fight for?
I see my freedom and my love every single day. In my Daddy's voice, in my Mama's unconditional love and open arms no matter what I do. My older brother's dreams, my older sisters faith and loyalty. In my little brothers strength and support.. in my little sisters smile and innocence. In my friends LOVE. In my GOD's miracles. In strangers walking down the street lookingup with smiles on their faces, in my fans screams, in those crowds that support me..
In my church, looking around and seeing my Mommy with her hands in the air praying, and people all around me screaming Hallelujah's, and Thank You's.
I'd fight for them anyday. I'd give my everything for my little sister holding my hand cause she's scared of cameras. Or her smile up at me and asking how I did things. Or seeing her tell someone I'm HER hero. Not my Mom, not my Dad, not "Hannah Montana". Me. I'd fight anyday for that.
And I hope you have something you'd fight for too.
I know I do.
GOD bless you all.
So we got up really fast, I just threw clothes on, didn't do much. We SPED over there and got there in the second preview, that movie was so good! 4 stars. I think they need a JUST madea movie! No sad drama stuff around it.. Anyway! We had a lot of fun. I laugh REALLY loud so I got a bunch of "shhh"'s... But it's cool. I forgive em.
Moral of the story: Madea completes my life!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Well he came home today and surprised me at my dress rehearsal, he had to have spun me around at least 10 times!! He's been sharing stories with me about his "adventure" but one reaaallyy got to me!
He was at an old friend of both of ours house, and the first night he heard something kicking against the closet door. He went to sleep anyway. The last night he stayed there again and he slept in the living room, he turned over and said above their TV, he saw a face. He said there was no explination for what he'd seen. The weirder thing was he said he felt completely cold, he couldn't move and his body went numb. Which couldve meant he went into shock. But it's still kinda weird!
I love those stories. :) just thought I'd share! He also brought me back the most PRECIOUS gift!!
I can't believe I actually MISSED my baby brother!! He is so cute. I think we're goin to go see 9 tonight wiff some friends and him!! I'm excited to hang with my brother. How weird is that?!?
I'm going to be rocking some awesome looks on tour! WOW. It is Wednesday and my 1st show is SUNDAY! I can't believe this is my first tour since '07!!! Anyway... The lady just asked me to try on green spandex pants... Uh, no thank u. :)
I'm also listening to paramore!! I haven't in what seems like years! My friend Karina was listening to them today and I was like "ohmygoodness!!" ha.
Well I'm at dress rehearsal, thankfully I don't have to dance right now!! I am SO beyond tired!
Mom hasn't been able to talk to me about how in trouble I am yet but I know it'll happen SOON!
He made it home safe, we laid in bed for about an hour talking. Then I sent him to the couch (he couldve gone to a guest bedroom) and we crashed!! I fell asleep at rehearsal so I'm ok. Just not OVERLY enthusiastic... Haha.
Hope all is well, I love text blogging! Which means WAY more blogs :) hehe. Especialllyyyy on tour!! Love ya! Xx
Tired, stressed, venty...
Well tonight, one of my friends called me bawling their eyes out. NEEDED me to be there for them. This is someone I've been SO close to for about 2 years. We're super close, but we've had our rough edges. This is one of my only friends I could literally FIGHT him and speak my mind COMPLETELY without worrying about how he'll "take" anything.
As you can ( hopefully) tell, he's of the "gay" persuasion. We were literally standing in the middle of a store earlier and he had to undo the tie of my jogging pants by getting on his knees and doing it with his teeth. Yeah. That's how much we TRULY trust eachother. He's been someone I've gone to for nearly EVERYTHING! Such a WONDERFUL true hearted person.
He's had his share of "drabble" in drugs, he's had some things in his life I could NEVER do! Thankfully he is VERY clean now. I am SO proud of the obstacles he has come over. I think that is the reason we're so close. I met him at his "rock bottom". And we accepted eachother for who we were, and we've come through so much TOGETHER. Temptation is for EVERYONE. He's talked me out of SO MUCH stupid stuff. I am SO thankful for this boy.
Anywho. Tonight he came over cause he needed me and we had SUCH a wonderful night. I haven't felt so close to him in a long time. He taught me ( more of "reminded me") how to play speed, he rubbed my stomach since I've been having THE. WORST. CRAMPS. OF. ALL. HISTORY. We totally bonded SO much.
Well the REASON he "needed" me was to NOT do something. ( no it's not "drugs" or anything BAD). Well once he came over, he made plans to go hang out with the person he was coming to my house to AVOID seeing. I, OF COURSE, tried to talk him out of it but the bottom line is that I don't CONTROL him! Eventually we'd worked out what was going to happen.
He was going to go with this person, come back to my house in ONE HOUR. He just left about... 30 minutes ago. I'm sure it'll be closer to two hours. Anyway, I hadn't realized HOW MUCH I messed up after he left! I have to be OUT of the house BY 5:30. Tomorrow is a HUUUUGE day!!
Well he'll be back at about 3:30 a.m. probably which normally would NOT be a problem but tomorrow is HUGE!
So I had to tell my Mom he was leaving and WOW. My Mom is NOT one to get "super mad"... at all. I've NEVER seen her SO mad at me. She sat me down and lectured, and lectured, and yelled, and yelled. I honestly think I'm gonna be grounded. Grounded to my TOUR BUS??? Better than being grounded at HOME. But until tour... I'm pretty sure I'm stuck at home! My Mom isnt' REALLY strict but she's the strictER parent! She knows if I'm wrong, I NEED to learn WHY. SO she sent me to my room ( yes I'm 16 and get sent to my room to "think about what I did"), then she's gonna tell me my "punishment" when he gets back in an hour. Or two hours. Whatevs.
OK, so I'm SO stressed. He is literally MY social life right now! My social associatino until tour is in HIS HANDS! I think she'll be over it by that time but WHO KNOWS!
My Mom, I can COMPLETELY understand.
1. She's worried about him.
2. She is worried I WON'T be up tomorrow.
3. She'll be awake until HE gets back, putting HER in a horrible position to be up at 4 a.m.
4. I have to be awake probably about... 15, 30 minutes AFTER he gets BACK. So I have THAT much sleep time, and tonight of ALL nights I NEEDED sleep!!!
So I ( tried) lied to my Mom. ( went and told her the truth shortly after. Put me in a WORSE situation.)
I set him up to COMPLETELY break my Mama's rules.
I let him doing it, knowing COMPLETELY how much STRESS and TIME it would put me under.
I guess it's just my teenage yaers thinkign "Live while you can" but there are also responsibility's and those were the LAST thing on my mind when I helped him to completely figure this thing out.
So I KNOW I am in DEEP trouble!!! And I'm praying he arrives and returns SAFETLY. I am PRAYING I can go on minimul, to NO sleep tomorrow. And I am prayign that this stress TRULY dies down some within me, because I cannot handle it much longer. I'm at the brink of stress, ha.
I am SO tired, PRAYING my Mom doesn't come in and see me on my macbook. That'd honsetly put me in hell, right now. I need to lay down and at least be able to FAKE asleep if she walks in... but what is there to do? I CAN'T fall asleep until he is home safetly. UGH!!
Well there's my VENT!!
Love always, MC <3
P.S. Dear cramps, it's Miley... you know, the girl your making her life MISERABLE right now. And honestly NOT adding to the "PERFECT" day... Go away. Your not welcome here. And I hate you. Love, Miley.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Senseless venting.
Anyway, I've kinda noticed that on comments I get really nice comments on my blog! Thank ya'll for everything. But please take note that this blog is not about like "celebrity" life ( unless I'm having a bad day, then I will vent all OVER that!). So YES, I do LOVE your comments but HERE I'd love to read "Oh I relate to that!" and hear YOUR story or something, ya know? Not so much "I'm your biggest fan!" even if that DOES make my day completely, I just really want to be related to here. Cause there WILL be a lot of negative!
On to my day.
Yesterday, I was at rehearsal, and I was hanging out with the same friend that went through my phone. It was smart, that he didn't bring it up. I didn't either. We let it slide, and I'm almost positive it's over now. I don't "hold" grudges. I let it go pretty fast unless it's something that absolutely kills me. So we're all good now! I was so tired. I didn't sleep at ALL the night before, being up with friends and stuff. So I was so tired, I was laying in the MIDDLE of my rehearsal stage, band playing, singing. Laying flat on my back, singing in rehearsal, while ( secretly) trying to fall asleep. Which I did. And as soon as I did, Ashlee Nino ( one of my bestest friends/dancers) YANKED me off of the hitch and let me fall. So I woke up in a HORRIBLE mood. Not because OF her, but because I fell asleep in the first place. I wanted to stay awake so I could sleep early last night. Didn't happen.
Well yesterday, my stress level was SO high! I didn't even notice that it was stress. I thought it was just because I woke up a little late at rehearsal ( which I don't need to be sleeping at! I have tour SO SOON!) but at first, when I woke up I was at SUCH a high stress level.
I was literally crying if someone made something the least bit difficult. Mom asked me to do something? "UGH!"
I almost got grounded twice because I had SUCH a bad attitude. I didn't want anyone talking to me, anywhere near me and ESPECIALLY messing things up. I was trying not to cry, and making excuses of WHY I was crying considering I didn't know.
I was yelling and snapping at people, it was horrible.
I am so blessed, because I have the best people in my life. The ones that can SEE the big "MILEY'S STRESSING, RUN AWAY" tattoo'd across my forehead at those times. So they did. Today I'm MUCH better. After about an hour last night I was okay. And I calmed down.
But stress has been taking over my life lately! I need to really focus on the GOOD things Not the stressful things. That will get me NO WHERE and I know that. So I'm trying!
My mama is one of those MOm's that never stops talking. Now my Mom is my best friend, but it's ALWAYS. "So guess what happened," "So yesterday," "So Miley guess what," and she talks about everything. Of course me, being a TALKER, appreciates it! But we get into these bickering things and we start argueing and it's HORRIBLE. I almost got in SO MUCH trouble last night because we were fighting SO bad, and it was over something so stupid.
She called my Dad, he told me I better stop ( which doesn't do ANYTHING. He's the push over parent! Ha.) and eventually I just gave in cause I was so annoyed and she almost locked me in a closet. And I don't want to sit in a closet for hours. And no, not MY closet. The hall closet. Which is about as small as I am. Ha.
Braison ( brudder) recently went through a HUGE break up with his ex Zoey. I love that girl to death, but now they're avoiding eachother and I never see her anymore ( "anymore" being the 4 days they've been over.) and I know he's stressed, and he's an emo ( HA!) so that doesn't help. I wuvv him though, and he is actually going to try and spend some time with me tonight after rehearsal! For a couple days he's been with friends and stuff, and staying with my sister Brandi in her new place. So we've been apart. We're not the "strongest" siblings. If I'm closer to any, it'd be Brandi or Noah. Probably Brandi because she relates to me SO much! But we all get along SUPER well.
I have Trace, who is SUPER protective and "hates" every boy that hurts me. Unless the boy makes it up, it usually stays in the "hate" factor. ( Trace doesn't "hate" anyone, he just likes to believe he's the cool guy who can... but he can't. he has a big heart!)
I have Brandi, who is older than me but she's BEEN through most of what ( teenage wise) I'm going through. And her and Sam ( boyfriend) are totally what I want to be at her age with someone! They are SO in love! And they make it through everything. And I can't wait to find a guy that TRULY does that for me. I thought I had a few months ago, but I was wrong. =]
I have Braison, who is probably the most distant sibling, but we're closest in age. Which means we fight WAY more. And we're deff going through the same things in the "teenage years" so we stress together and relate to eachother more, BUT we don't talk enough to know it. He came to New York with me recently and that was SO good for us! We actually sat down and had a conversation. I don't think I EVER noticed how much he's GROWN. I consider myself "pretty" mature. Maybe not completely, but I can have a conversation. And he can too! I didn't know how strong his moral value was. He's such a good person, at heart.
And then little Noah, who is the only person I know that can never TRULY stay angry with me. She's there for me through everything and ALWAYS has a smile. She's such an angel.
I have the best family, I just need to really work on bonding with them more. I've been spending a lot more time with Noah, but I think she only does that cause she's still in the "I wanna be JUST like Miles when I get older!" thing. That'll pass. Hopefully. Ha!
It's so hard to wake up, and notice that, EVEN if it's been like it for almost 2 years... there are only 3 kids left in the house. Me, Braison, and Noah. Trace and Brandi have grown so quickly and that scares me....
ANYWAY, I'm at rehearsal so I need to make my time worth it!
Yesterday, I felt REALLY bad. I was tired and everything. And for the first time, since last January I comlpetely drowned it in eyeliner before I left rehearsal! Ha. I put SO MUCH make-up on, and it made me feel a LOT better. =) we'll see how long THAT lasts.
Anyway, working super hard... this is senseless. I am making no sense of this blog. No point. So I think I'm gonna end it now before I make a fool of myself! Ha.
P.S. Last night before going home I stopped and I was outside on this little ledge thing in LA and people play music there. Well, I had my friend lend me their guitar and sat and sang "Drops of Jupiter". That is SUCH an obsession ofa song for me right now!! I LOVE it. I am SO nervous infront of little crowds..
Big crowds, ROCK my world. But little crowds I feel so judged and each individual person thinks something different and OMG. Ha. I was really nervous but it went well and I still LOVE that song.
Anyway, I love ya'll. Thanks for reading, again. Even though this had NO point! I'm getting yelled at by Mama, I gotta go rehearse some more =P
Love always, MC <3
Blog Archive
- I am on my way to another destination for a show! ...
- Short blog! Laying in bed wiff my mommy in Salt La...
- I felt such a wonderful feeling tonight. Having my...
- I felt such a wonderful feeling tonight. Having my...
- Good day today. =] I want to go clubbin' but one o...
- I have to make this really short. Oakland rocked! ...
- Had an absolutely amazing show tonight. Tacoma was...
- Had my first show in Portland last night. Absolute...
- Opening Night in Portland
- I need to get a grip. My phone tripped a few minut...
- Testing
- Today is a day that will forever be remembered.We ...
- I was laying in bed watching family guy last night...
- So my brudder was away with some friends, I never ...
- So I'm at dress rehearsal waiting on my mama! She ...
- Tired, stressed, venty...
- Senseless venting.
About Me

- Miley
- I am experiencing new things, I am learning new lessons, I am living my life.