It's been such a great one! I am so proud of the work that I, my crew, my friends and my family have endured! We're so blessed to be where we are and we all knew that this entire tour, we made all of this about the fans, and about being thankful and giving back. Hopefully more people will see that and learn to branch on their own! This year has been seriously the fastest year ever, it seems like yesterday we were in Nashville for Christmas! It's absolutely insane how fast this year has gone by.
I spent tonight after the show, like I went back to my dressing room, fell on the couch and almost slept. Then we went back to the apartment and after 12 people stayed in a 2 bedroom for like a month or however long, it was BAD. I cleaned toilets ( with a doctors mask and dish scrubbing gloves on...) I cleaned everything from top to bottom, the apartment is gonna stay ours, we're not just moving out, like as soon as I'm ready to come back I have a place to come to and that's really awesome. No more hotels in London! =]
So now it's all clean and pretty.
So now, my mom and dad and Noie are back in Nashville, Brazz and Brandi are back in LA. It's crazy, I don't even know where I'm going or when! After tomorrow the tour is OVER. I'm not happy, but I'm not sad. It's isnane that our tour has ended so quickly, I was in my element. I was growing and transitioning, I was in my music, and that's an amaznig feeling. So I am very happy we had this experience. We had our family, our friends, great holidays, great places visited. I get a whole bunch of stickers from everywhere I go, so that if anything happened I know I've been there before. So I wanna get a sticker from everywhere! And I added a bunch of stickers this trip! It's been a blast and I am so proud of everything. 2009 was a great year for growing up, this was my "transition year", starting in Tybee, and finishing with this tour. I've literally grown into someone hopefully that will carry me through the years ahead. I'm really proud of myself for this year, and the people in it, the things I've learned. This tour has been the most amazing thing, I've loved it. Party in the USA, The Climb, these songs have truly made me learn this year. I've used those and brought myself out in a whole different light. I've gained some amazing new fans, and hopefully been recognized as more than the superficial stuff. So it's been wonderful. But I still can't believe the year is ending so fast, so hopefully 2010 will be the year that everything happens. I've worked all this year, so hard, and I haven't had any breaks except for a couple weeks here and there. I think I've had a total of ( I have a calender, I have to to keep my dates regulated) 29 days that I didn't work this year? Or something like taht, but I've worked hard every day and given my all to everything I've done. HM3, The Last Song, the new record, the tour, the clothing line, ect. Next year will be the year it all hits!
2010 will be the year The Last Song is released, the clothing line really hits its max and distributes more around the global stuff, the new record, the tour will really be all over by then and the videos and actual results of it, HM4 will be filmed which should be my last season which is the scariest thing ever but I'm ready to move into something new. Hannah is my home, it's something I've worked on since I've been here, so it's a very scary feeling knowing that you won't have that to fall back on after everything else goes downhill, you won't be seeing your frineds on set but it's something we all have to do, we all have thsoe little bumps in the road and they're scary but we'll get through them hopefully better off than when we started. I'll be filming another movie which will be exciting, can't say anything about that though. I'll be turning 18, which is SO beyond scary it's like, I don't believe I'll trul ybe an adult until I hit 21 cause that's when you get all your rights, THAT'S when your an adult. Parentially your an "adult" at 18, but legally your not completely an adult until you're 21 so that's a little less scary but it's still so scary. Next year will be my last year of making a pop record which has also been something I've relaxed against since I've been here, and that's a scary transition too. I'm going to step back and stop with music for a while and then come back big with something completely me, that explains me, the perfect record. I'm gonna take a year or so and go through and fix every little problem, literally take the time to go back and fix every little problem and make it perfect. I think it'll be scary because I don't play the music I'll be bringing then, but it's still gonna be awesome and hopefully it shows who I am, it'll be real raw rock, and just really raw and like.. Bon Iver, The Beatles, kinda sound and so I'm so excited about that. It'll be a mixture of that and some really hardcore rock and roll, so it'll be new look, new sound, new audience, new everything and hopefully your all there for that. That will probably be a 2011/2012 thing.
I can't say thank you enough for supporting me in every decision I've made this year, for every transition, for everything taht you've all supported me so amazingly with. I don't know how to express 10% of how thankful and truly greatful I am, I know ya'll probably haer that everyday and expect it so much, but seriously from the bottom of my heart, I've grown up this year and you guys are still there for me and to thsoe people it's so amazing. I've made mistakes, we all have and that's really just such a blessing, you guys are my everything I'm truly truly just so thankful for each and every single one of you indivdually. I'm just blown away at the support I've had, it's such a precious time at this age and knowing that my dream was worth living because of my fans, my fans seriously made my dream come true, I'm only as big as the love I get from them and that's so much. So I've been trying to help people make THEIR dreams come true, through the MileyWorld music thing, through GetUrGoodOn, I've been really trying to reach out and not only help follow dreams but also help the planet and the other people on it so we're really trying and I'm thinking of new things everyday to do to help! I really think we should use 2010 to give back. We're all just so blessed and if we can take any of that and give back we're doing so much! So even just inspiring people to go to geturgoodon.org or inspiring people to join to just do anything, giving our unused toys and items to shelters, visiting a child in the hospital, visiting seniors in the hospital, donating anything counts no matter how big or how small it all means something to someone and you could make them the happiest person, so I think we should spend 2010 really doing some of those projects together and individually. twitter.com/theheartofmiley is run by Ashley and me and we're still gonna be checking and seeing who gave back the most during Christmas time and do some fun stuff with that, a one on one chat thing or whatever with me about whatever you want and stuff. That sounds so cocky but that's what we agreed it'd be, trust me I don't think a chat with me is that worth it but the fact you did somethin means the world and anything that'd make you happy is awesome so, hopefully it makes someone happy!
Thank you so much to everyone who accepted me into their country, or their state, it's been such a blast and it's meant the world to me you guys are amazing. If I had one word for 2009 it'd be "transition" so I can't wait to see waht YA'LLS word for 2009 would be, if it could be ONE word for thewhole year, leave it in the comments below, and I can't wait to check it out! Hopefully 2010 involves a lot more mileymandy it involves a lot more mileyworld, a lot more fan contact and stuff so I really wanna give back and I'll try my best. I can't wait!
Thank you to everyone in 2009, and TO 2009 for teaching me so much about myself and allowing me the precious time of finding myself, finding the music I love, finding my dreams and my passion, for findinng the transitions and for allowing me to grow up and really find myself, it's been amazing. I can't wait to see what 2010 holds in store! Happy New Years everyone, I can't wait to see you on the other side!!! Let's make 2010 the best year yet, let's make history, let's take the haters (of EVERYONE, not just "gossip site haters") down kicking and screaming, let's stand up for ourselves, others, and family and friends. Let's really make our voice known and heard this next year. Let's make it rock! We'll do stuff for the planet, the people in our lives, adn those who are more unfortunate. We can ALL make a difference, so let's ALL take part in it!! I can't wait to see you guys in the new year, I can't wait to get'r done!!!
Thank you for tour it's been amazing tomorrow will be the best show ever, I can't wait. I LOVE YOU GUYS!! THank you for another amazing year living the dream, living the passion and LIVING!!!
GOODBYE 2009!!! It's been fun!!!
Goodbye 2009, and thank you for all of the things you've taught me. Lost love, broken hearts, mending hearts, new loves, finding myself, living my dream, learning who I truly am, growing closer to those around me, for being the best year and letting me grow up. For teaching me a lesson, and for making me who I am today, even if I'm not complete yet. I'm still growing. And I know that now. I love you 2009, I'll miss you, but I can't wait to start 2010 with a bang! Goodbye 2009!!!
I am glad you had a good 2009 and learned from it <3 I wish I could have came to one :( But there is always youtube :) I can't wait to see the Last Song, and all your accomplishments with it. You are my role model! You rock!
ReplyDelete-Joanna <3
Can't wait for the new music/image to arrive! I bet it'll be amazing since everything you put out there has 120% effort written all over it. So glad 09 has been good for you and just like you I'm hoping to rock the new year as well.
ReplyDeleteKeep it up Miles!
one word for 2009 - change (there was so many)... bad and good things. i found the real me i suppose insteaed of copying people (trying to be like them) or being who poeple think i should be so i guess i found the true me :) i have learnt to be myself despite what other poeple might think as its only your friends and family who really care and like you for YOU ! i also found out who my real fiends are ... ughhh. Its been a hard year yet AMAZING at the same time.I have done so many things i want to do in my lifetim
ReplyDeletee and they have been crossed of the list i hope visit more places next year. skydiving next .. haha maybe not next year but i want to do it !:)
jess x
p.s your concert tonight or should i say last night now (28th) was AMAZING i thought it was going to be good but it was BETTER! one thing that i dont like poeple doing at concerts sitting down ughhh. it just really bugs me. just dont go if your going to sit their.
Yep can't wait for 2010!!!! :D
ReplyDeleteCan't wait for everything you've done the clothing line,The last song!! You worked so hard and your fans are so lucky to have a role model like you :) So awesome!
I emailed ya at your fan email hope you check it out and here'z a quote i made before you posted this lolz it'z about 2009/2010 :)
"i want this to last forever i never wanna let it go, i'm creating memories making them last gonna forget about the past,2010 here i come!"
words for 2009 - growing up! I turned 18 this year, and in my country that means that you're an adult with all your rights... I've learned so much this year... I'm very grateful... and I'm really excited about 2010! can't wait for The Last Song! and all your projects and stuff... Happy New Year, Miley!!! love youuu :) -Nia
ReplyDelete2009: contrition –noun
ReplyDelete1. sincere penitence or remorse.
2. Theology. sorrow for and detestation of sin with a true purpose of amendment, arising from a love of God for His own perfections
I've loved, lived and learned.
God bless.
Loved Gina's comment above (love your name, too, Gina - alas, I'm a fellow "Gina"!!) My word for 2009 might be actually 2 words: #1 is misunderstood, and #2 is stuck. I have felt an immense sadness that so many fellow humans have not taken the time to understand my true feelings (and I am no teenager either - voila - it still happens to adults sometimes folks!), and stuck pertains to many areas in my life that haven't seemed to be moving forward or improving as I'd have liked them to be. So, my greatest hope and wish for 2010, is like you Miley, to go out there and fight the haters, make my name heard, continue to stand up for my rights and my viewpoints, and to never, ever give up. Sometimes things just take time to come to fruition, to really make change. So, maybe 2010 will be my year - to see the fruits of my labors coming to pass, finally. Thank you to my sweet, dear, intelligent friend Miley - who at only 17 years is "older" than many of my adult friends, and definitely of bigger heart than many. I wish her, and anyone else who may be reading these words, an awesome year ahead that holds much much hope, happiness, and promise. We all deserve, we all are entitled - so allow yourselves this gift. Happy New Year Everyone!
ReplyDeletewell...my 2009 word would be "disappointment"...
ReplyDeletefor me, wasn't a very good year, i cried more than ever i guess, but i still have hopes for 2010. and i`m praying for this year to be a good year, to make my wish come true.
for me, this year wasn't passed so quickly, but i`m glad he did, finally! i`m sooo waiting to see if 2010 will be better. i`m tired of everything, so this is my only hope. but enough with my complaints.
i noticed you`ve grown a lot this year, i watched your evolution and i`ve been even more and more pleasantly surprised. i can`t say that i know everything about you, nobody can, but this year, i have known you better. and i`m glad for this.
i`m sad that you wanna sing rock.. i hope i will like it, because usually i hate rock music. but i will try with all my power to listen to it, deeply. to find every little secret behind this. i promise i will listen to your rock songs! and i hope i`ll like them.
i`m soo waiting for your future projects. especially for The Last song.. because it`s my type of movie ( I saw A walk to remember, which is my favorite movie ever, and The notebook and I cried a lot. I guess I`ll cry at The Last Song too. I just love that type of movies. It make me realize that is just fiction, and rarely you meet a person who could love you in that way. Which is so sad. Because we need love. I need it, but I can`t find it. nevermind..)
btw, I love your photo, which you put on this blog page. I love that kind of pictures, when sun is there.
i don`t know what anything else i could say. i bet i bored you, but i really like to talk to you, because i`m sure you read it, even if you`re not answering. i`m glad to know that i shared my opinion with you. i`m glad i have this oportunity.
i wish you a Happy New Year, with a lot of happiness,love and everything you want.
Love you. - Aida. -
[p.s. i`m really sorry for my english mistakes. i`m just learning it at school, but i`m not so good. hope you understood me anyway.]
2009 was the best year of all so far. I found my true friends that really stick with me through anything. they are one of the best reason for me to go to school too. we had sooo much fun this year, too much fun until I flunk my exams. hahahah. but yeah, I learnt a lot about myself too. what i really love to be. my passion in things i never knew. and also leaving all the bad memories behind. 2009 was a big FRIENDSHIP year for me. I really wish I could go back in time, and enjoy it ALL OVER AGAINNN. but too bad, we cant do that :P
ReplyDeleteI have a good vibe about 2010.
I have a good vibe about your transition too, Miles. your achievements this year has been great and awesome. keep it up for next year. SUPER CANT WAIT for The Last Song, your clothing line, the new record and everything FROMMM YOU!
love ya, Miley.
always am, always will :)
mwahhhhhhhss. xoxo
For me 2009 is a movie or a story with bad beginning and a happy ending. I found out that my life at the beginning is horryble, it really did suck. But slowly it gets better and better until now. You know i found my true best friends and thightens the bond with my other friends. I love being in crowd of my friend with them calling me for advise or just to accompany them. It makes me believe that they realize that i exist and a friend of them. And my family now is really tight bonded.we had great times so much and play a lot. For you miley. I really like you a lot now. Your music really have a passion and inspiration. It brings me up and make me look up to you and make you the best artist i ever know who helps people no matter how busy you are. I really like when you tell me about your family, it inspires me from the quotes from your parents and you. I am so grateful that i look up to an artist like you. You break down but you never give up, you fix every little piece of thing from the very beginning. Thank you miley for everything you have given to us, your TRULY fans
ReplyDelete2009 is best summed up with the word EMPOWERING. This year I felt empowered to spread my wings, shed the bad, and open my heart to the good. Stay-Focused.org is an amazing organization that has changed my life indeffinatley.