I'M BAAAACCKKK! And guess what I'm here to blog about? As if I could just pick and choose for fun - NOPE, people are too busy lying about me and making people believe really bad things about me. So, I'm here to set the record straight on some stuff. It is beyond me how people can sit around and really just pick at me, it's disgusting. I work really hard, everyday to make people smile and make people happy and it's so weird to me how people could try and take that from me, they could try and take the happiness away from me. Maybe I'm just a hippy, maybe I'm just way too giving as a person because I want everyone happy. I want everyone to find happiness in everything they do. I think there'd be so much less horrible things going on in the world if people were living by passions. But apparently, people find happiness in trying to tear apart a 17 year old girls dream and life so okay, whatever.
So okay, first of all, why is it such a big deal if someone has friends? I'm completely banned from having friends because it seems like I have too many? In what way is that sane, or fair? I've never been the type of girl to have thousands upon thousands of friends. I'm not the girl that can hang out with like 40 people and have a good time. I like having small groups, but I'm allowed to have friends. And I'm allowed to have friends that are closer than others. My best friends are my business, but I have a right to say I have best friends because I do. And I can have as many as I'd like to. My best friends are Mandy, Liam, Mitchel and Nick. Yes, I do have a lot of best friends but those are the people I can tell anything to, they're the people I go to about everything. I don't care what people say about that. Brandi, my mom, they're also my bset friends because I'm close to my family. My dad, my mom, my older sister, they know everything about me and so do my older brother, and younger siblings. That's just how our family works.
Secondly, I DID NOT IN ANYWAY say that Angelina Jolie, or any other parent in the industry was the cause or the reason for the paparazzi. At all! It's disgusting that old men with cameras could stalk anyone, being 5 years old, 17 years old, or 40. I hate paparazzi as it is, being stalked with cameras, being followed and being creeped out because old guys wanna wait outside of my fence for me to get up in the morning. But the fact that it's legal, or that people aren't taking action against them following young children is worse! My sister is 9 and she is SO afraid of paparazzi, they have no boundaries. When I was her age I remember benig with my daddy when they'd go after him, but they had restrictions. They couldn't get so close, they had limits of like 3 feet or whatever. Now they don't even have that! I couldn't tell you how many times they've crawled on my car or screamed at me, or yelled and jumped under me to try and get shots up my skirts. It's a disgusting and dirty career that I'm sick to my stomach that people would honestly take part in. Anywho, I in no way said that it was the parents fault, or that they should do anything - I'm saying it's disgusting people stalk anyone, but especially BABIES.
Thirdly, I am a 17 year old girl, I can make decisions on my own, ESPECIALLY what I eat! Who cares if I eat a bowl of cereal, or 17 hamburgers. I went to a burger place, I was HUNGRY, and I ate. I didn't do anything to make them do anything differently or treat me differently and they didn't. If anyone else went in and said they wanted that, they would've gotten it too. I didn't say, "I want 20 differnt burgers here NOW." I was eating a burger, looking at the menu and ordered another one. I was hungry, and that's my business. I'm a big girl, I like to eat. That's not anyone's problem but my own. And no they didn't "give me a number" for 24/7 service. They closed at like 9, and we didn't get any special treatment either. We left at 8:45 so they could get their stuff clean and we didn't bother them or their closing hours. And we didn't "not tip" or anyhting thsoe stupid sites said either, we tipped them as much as we should have and none of the workers or anyone had a problem with us, we all joked and a lot of them from time to time came and sat down with us because we were all really friendly and they were too. It was a good time, it's stupid people would make a story about a girl eating. Yeah, I eat a lot, probably more than others my age that's my problme. I like eating, and I'm not gonna stop so that stories don't get printed.
Fourth, Mitchel came to stay with us because he's my best friend. He came NOT because of "boy problems", because I was touring with Metro Station, which has his brother Mason included in the band. He came to see him, and came to see me because we're besties and we wanted to see eachother. Who cares.
Fifth, "7 Things" I did NOT change the lyrics to make fun of anyone, hurt anyone, or dedicating it to Nick. Nick is one of my bestest friends and I didn't mean he was gay, or anything like that. It was a transition for the song. that's all I'm gonna say about that because that's the stupidest thing I've EVER heard.
Sixth, there WILL be a Wonder World DVD, I can't wait for that and I hope everyone else is just as excited as I am! It'll be featuring a concert, backstage, more fun stuff and all that jazz. It'll be really fun and I really can't wait!
I CAN'T BELIEVE TOUR IS OVER, but I can't wait to be back in the swing of things back home.
Love you all,
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009

It's been such a great one! I am so proud of the work that I, my crew, my friends and my family have endured! We're so blessed to be where we are and we all knew that this entire tour, we made all of this about the fans, and about being thankful and giving back. Hopefully more people will see that and learn to branch on their own! This year has been seriously the fastest year ever, it seems like yesterday we were in Nashville for Christmas! It's absolutely insane how fast this year has gone by.
I spent tonight after the show, like I went back to my dressing room, fell on the couch and almost slept. Then we went back to the apartment and after 12 people stayed in a 2 bedroom for like a month or however long, it was BAD. I cleaned toilets ( with a doctors mask and dish scrubbing gloves on...) I cleaned everything from top to bottom, the apartment is gonna stay ours, we're not just moving out, like as soon as I'm ready to come back I have a place to come to and that's really awesome. No more hotels in London! =]
So now it's all clean and pretty.
So now, my mom and dad and Noie are back in Nashville, Brazz and Brandi are back in LA. It's crazy, I don't even know where I'm going or when! After tomorrow the tour is OVER. I'm not happy, but I'm not sad. It's isnane that our tour has ended so quickly, I was in my element. I was growing and transitioning, I was in my music, and that's an amaznig feeling. So I am very happy we had this experience. We had our family, our friends, great holidays, great places visited. I get a whole bunch of stickers from everywhere I go, so that if anything happened I know I've been there before. So I wanna get a sticker from everywhere! And I added a bunch of stickers this trip! It's been a blast and I am so proud of everything. 2009 was a great year for growing up, this was my "transition year", starting in Tybee, and finishing with this tour. I've literally grown into someone hopefully that will carry me through the years ahead. I'm really proud of myself for this year, and the people in it, the things I've learned. This tour has been the most amazing thing, I've loved it. Party in the USA, The Climb, these songs have truly made me learn this year. I've used those and brought myself out in a whole different light. I've gained some amazing new fans, and hopefully been recognized as more than the superficial stuff. So it's been wonderful. But I still can't believe the year is ending so fast, so hopefully 2010 will be the year that everything happens. I've worked all this year, so hard, and I haven't had any breaks except for a couple weeks here and there. I think I've had a total of ( I have a calender, I have to to keep my dates regulated) 29 days that I didn't work this year? Or something like taht, but I've worked hard every day and given my all to everything I've done. HM3, The Last Song, the new record, the tour, the clothing line, ect. Next year will be the year it all hits!
2010 will be the year The Last Song is released, the clothing line really hits its max and distributes more around the global stuff, the new record, the tour will really be all over by then and the videos and actual results of it, HM4 will be filmed which should be my last season which is the scariest thing ever but I'm ready to move into something new. Hannah is my home, it's something I've worked on since I've been here, so it's a very scary feeling knowing that you won't have that to fall back on after everything else goes downhill, you won't be seeing your frineds on set but it's something we all have to do, we all have thsoe little bumps in the road and they're scary but we'll get through them hopefully better off than when we started. I'll be filming another movie which will be exciting, can't say anything about that though. I'll be turning 18, which is SO beyond scary it's like, I don't believe I'll trul ybe an adult until I hit 21 cause that's when you get all your rights, THAT'S when your an adult. Parentially your an "adult" at 18, but legally your not completely an adult until you're 21 so that's a little less scary but it's still so scary. Next year will be my last year of making a pop record which has also been something I've relaxed against since I've been here, and that's a scary transition too. I'm going to step back and stop with music for a while and then come back big with something completely me, that explains me, the perfect record. I'm gonna take a year or so and go through and fix every little problem, literally take the time to go back and fix every little problem and make it perfect. I think it'll be scary because I don't play the music I'll be bringing then, but it's still gonna be awesome and hopefully it shows who I am, it'll be real raw rock, and just really raw and like.. Bon Iver, The Beatles, kinda sound and so I'm so excited about that. It'll be a mixture of that and some really hardcore rock and roll, so it'll be new look, new sound, new audience, new everything and hopefully your all there for that. That will probably be a 2011/2012 thing.
I can't say thank you enough for supporting me in every decision I've made this year, for every transition, for everything taht you've all supported me so amazingly with. I don't know how to express 10% of how thankful and truly greatful I am, I know ya'll probably haer that everyday and expect it so much, but seriously from the bottom of my heart, I've grown up this year and you guys are still there for me and to thsoe people it's so amazing. I've made mistakes, we all have and that's really just such a blessing, you guys are my everything I'm truly truly just so thankful for each and every single one of you indivdually. I'm just blown away at the support I've had, it's such a precious time at this age and knowing that my dream was worth living because of my fans, my fans seriously made my dream come true, I'm only as big as the love I get from them and that's so much. So I've been trying to help people make THEIR dreams come true, through the MileyWorld music thing, through GetUrGoodOn, I've been really trying to reach out and not only help follow dreams but also help the planet and the other people on it so we're really trying and I'm thinking of new things everyday to do to help! I really think we should use 2010 to give back. We're all just so blessed and if we can take any of that and give back we're doing so much! So even just inspiring people to go to geturgoodon.org or inspiring people to join to just do anything, giving our unused toys and items to shelters, visiting a child in the hospital, visiting seniors in the hospital, donating anything counts no matter how big or how small it all means something to someone and you could make them the happiest person, so I think we should spend 2010 really doing some of those projects together and individually. twitter.com/theheartofmiley is run by Ashley and me and we're still gonna be checking and seeing who gave back the most during Christmas time and do some fun stuff with that, a one on one chat thing or whatever with me about whatever you want and stuff. That sounds so cocky but that's what we agreed it'd be, trust me I don't think a chat with me is that worth it but the fact you did somethin means the world and anything that'd make you happy is awesome so, hopefully it makes someone happy!
Thank you so much to everyone who accepted me into their country, or their state, it's been such a blast and it's meant the world to me you guys are amazing. If I had one word for 2009 it'd be "transition" so I can't wait to see waht YA'LLS word for 2009 would be, if it could be ONE word for thewhole year, leave it in the comments below, and I can't wait to check it out! Hopefully 2010 involves a lot more mileymandy it involves a lot more mileyworld, a lot more fan contact and stuff so I really wanna give back and I'll try my best. I can't wait!
Thank you to everyone in 2009, and TO 2009 for teaching me so much about myself and allowing me the precious time of finding myself, finding the music I love, finding my dreams and my passion, for findinng the transitions and for allowing me to grow up and really find myself, it's been amazing. I can't wait to see what 2010 holds in store! Happy New Years everyone, I can't wait to see you on the other side!!! Let's make 2010 the best year yet, let's make history, let's take the haters (of EVERYONE, not just "gossip site haters") down kicking and screaming, let's stand up for ourselves, others, and family and friends. Let's really make our voice known and heard this next year. Let's make it rock! We'll do stuff for the planet, the people in our lives, adn those who are more unfortunate. We can ALL make a difference, so let's ALL take part in it!! I can't wait to see you guys in the new year, I can't wait to get'r done!!!
Thank you for tour it's been amazing tomorrow will be the best show ever, I can't wait. I LOVE YOU GUYS!! THank you for another amazing year living the dream, living the passion and LIVING!!!
GOODBYE 2009!!! It's been fun!!!
Goodbye 2009, and thank you for all of the things you've taught me. Lost love, broken hearts, mending hearts, new loves, finding myself, living my dream, learning who I truly am, growing closer to those around me, for being the best year and letting me grow up. For teaching me a lesson, and for making me who I am today, even if I'm not complete yet. I'm still growing. And I know that now. I love you 2009, I'll miss you, but I can't wait to start 2010 with a bang! Goodbye 2009!!!
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Hey guys! On a long drive, ahhh. Ok, so I'm about to die because I am in the car with 3 people that nonstop talk! Not that I don't, but they interupt eachother and change subjects SO fast! Blah blah blah. England is so beautiful so I'm enjoying the scenery! Love you all, loving the holidays! Hope you all are too! :) xoxo.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Just wrote a HUGE blog abotu something that happened to me today and actually ERASED it. Because I was NOT in the mood to share that and it was a huge slap in the face, "you say you want your personal life private and your out there throwing it aruond for peoples opinions!" so I stopped and erased it. Yayy for life lessons. So I didn't know what I wanted this blog to be about... I wish I could preach to ya'll about christmas and what I got and what I wanted and New Years but I just can't find that inspiration. I wish I could. Blah. But I can't. I just wanted everyone ot know I've been doing great, I've loved the last few days I'm finally back in London I missed it! This has become a second home to me, I now have an appartment here and it's absolutely gorgeous, lovin' it, wanted to take some pictures but I've literally thrown everything around and it looks like crap in here. But it's like, two apartments almost but two hotel rooms kinda. And it's my daddy, my mama, me, my 4 siblings, Sam kinda sorta ( my sissys man), Mammie, my grandma on my daddys side, it's a lot of family and we're all like crammed up it's really awesome because there's NO judging.
I can go into a room and it be all family and not judged so no matter what you say it's like nothing will be out, nothing will be judged, nothing will be taken differently or misquoted and that's an amazing feeling. So I'm really excited, I love the holidays and can't wait for them!
Happy Christmas Eve! what are YOU doing for the holidays?!
Love you guys so much and can't wait to tennesseesmile.blogspot.com blog some more xo,
I can go into a room and it be all family and not judged so no matter what you say it's like nothing will be out, nothing will be judged, nothing will be taken differently or misquoted and that's an amazing feeling. So I'm really excited, I love the holidays and can't wait for them!
Happy Christmas Eve! what are YOU doing for the holidays?!
Love you guys so much and can't wait to tennesseesmile.blogspot.com blog some more xo,
Thursday, December 17, 2009

Right now I am in Dublin, Ireland. It's so cool here and it's beautiful and I'm enjoying it so much, I'm here like today I think, and then I'm leaving but I don't know for sure. Hopefully soon I can get some more time here because I have a friend that lives around here that I'd love to actually be able to meet up and hang with, but I can't do that this trip and it sucks.
Tour is coming to an end, slowly but surely and that's so depressing for me but I'm having a marvellous time, and I'm trying to cherish every moment that I have left on this tour. The holidays are getting closer, we've done some shopping and I'm so excited, as well as my family and friends on this tour. I think the hardest part is knowing that some of them will be without their family for this tour, we're trying to work around that and send some of my friends back home for Christmas Eve and Christmas day, and then New Years too. Quite frankly, I don't know what I'm doing! I don't know what day I'm going home, and that's kinda weird. We have a date but I just don't pay attention, I'm horrible with dates and where I am. Like in the states it was terrible cause I'd wake up and go to breakfast and the waitress would be like, "it's so wonderful your here!" and I'd be like, "Yeah I love Kansas!" and they'd be like, "Uhh.. we're in Idaho." ( that wasn't nessecarily the two states that were mentioned, but you get the point.) and that was weird, I didn't know where I was.
I don't know what date I'm going home, I'm pretty sure I'll be home sometime in January, and we'll jump right into the show and I'm so excited for that. It's been such a struggle on this tour keeping everything going yet it's been such a peace. Knowing that I'mm really giving my all and really working hrd for what I do, and for other people. I've gone to multiple children hospitals, multiple orphanages and I'm not saying that's enough - it's not. I'm just so.. I don't "pity" kids. I don't pity at all, I don't give pity, and I don't want to receive pity. I hate it, and the word, and the meaning of it. But I give my heart out to those children that fight for their lives everyday. we're worried about a war, while little kids are dying without parents, without clothes, without any source or meaning of happiness. And the sad thing is that THOSE children are the children that actually KNWO happiness. They don't take for granted, they don't expect anything. It's such an amazing thing to them just being fed in the day, and I just wanted to bring awareness to that.
because you don't have to have a lot of money, or a lot of stuff, but don't throw things away. If you don't play with a toy anymore, your kids don't, they grew out of clothes, YOU grow out of clothes, keep those things and box them up. Even if you don't wanna go to an orphanage, or a hospital send someone else, mail it. Just do that because throwing things away end up with them getting burned or getting thrown out in general and nothing happening. These kids need help, and need happiness before things happen and I just really truly hope that you've been doing that or now can START doing that like Id o, we just recently before we left on tour went thorugh all of Noah's old clothes and brought them to an orphanage and her toys and stuff she doesn't play with anymore and they were the happiest. We've been making stops and childrens places all throughout tour, trying to exclude media in everyway, we didn't want anyone knowing and it was really truly wonderful, it was an awesome experience and I was so happy to be able to do it. So above all, that's what this blog is about, is just to really give back, and instead of sending ( not that it ISN'T important) 3$ to Africa or whatever, just box up old stuff because right now gas money, and all that is important but you can still give back jut by not throwing things away. And it also helps because you can clean your closets and garages and storages out and get some more space while also really making a child happy, and warm for the holidays. Nobody wants to be cold and not have anything for Christmas, no family, no warmth, no electricity, nothing to wake up to. Especially children who have faith in Santa Clause and all of those things, so let's keep their hope alive and really give back and send some things to the orphanages. Even this blog tennesseesmile.blogspot.com can really help, because hopefully we can spread the word so just spread the word of all of this going on.
Also we met a lady a few weeks ago in Tampa that bought like 50 stuffed bears from a dollar general thing that my mom was in, and we were asking her what they were for. And she said 4 were for her kids and the rest were to go to a childrens hospital, and we gave her and her family all tickets to a show, and they got to go that night and had a blast, and we all got pictures and they'll remember that hopefully for a long time. So yes, I do look fo rthose things, not that you should ever ONLY give back JUST to go to a concert, but everoyne is trying to help especially in these hard times, these kids don't know where to go, what to look forward to, and a lot of them think that the cure to their illnesses is death and that's what they know will happen sooner or later and no kid should ever think that way.
So, again, for the holidays just give back. Go to a nursing home and spend some time, send some sweets, go to childrens hospitals and orphanages either one is so amazing to visit, and just visit with kids and talk to them and try and relate. I garuntee if you go to a hospital or an orphanage, within 15 minutes of talking to those kids you'd be giving up your house to them. You'll never meet any child sweeter, they just have no faith and especially right now. Children that are 5, and 6, and even 2 and 4, they don't have the strength to continue to be just so happy all the time and have faith. So let's use this holiday to even just get a shirt or two that you wore last summer that you won't wear again, and send it to them. Also girls, if you do that you'll probably get to shop for more next summer! there's absolutely no down side, it's free, just do it for these kids because they get a bowl of soup for Christmas, and nobody deserves that.
So again ladies and gentleman, I can't stress it enough, let's give these kids something to look forward to, just send something you don't wear, socks, underwear, a bottle of water even, just go and spend some time with these kids, and give them soemthing to look forward to, and help them with their faith and their dreams because they can do just as much as any of us and they inspire probably more than any of us could. So let's give them that oppurtunity and that streangth. Talk to your parents, have your parents read this, let's do whatever we can to give back. Also, doing that you can get into GetUrGoodOn, that's an amazing site and foundation that I created for anyone at all who gives back and hopefully you can be someone who gives back, so let's do that. Instead of waking up christmas morning spoiled, gettnig everything you want, relaxing all day, drinking hot chocolate, let's give a little 3 year old a chance to wake up to a shirt, or to socks, and be the happiest kid on the face of the earth. You have a roof over your head, and socks on your feet, and you have a family to go home to, and we all want so much mroe ( me too, I'm not singling anybody out, we all do it.) but those kids don't have that,t hey sleep in the cold with no blankets, no family, no nothing, no education. so let's send books we don't read, childrens books, clothes, socks, anything that you can that you don't use can go to a little baby to make them a little happier, and a little more faithful.
YOU can be the inspiration, YOU can be the one giving back, YOU can be the one inspiring others to do this, and to save lives and to make little children happy. So let's try our hardest to give these kids just a little glimmer of hope for Christmas. We've been really trying through the Pappy Cyrus foundation, through GetUrGoodOn, I've opened so many foundations for donations and bids and money to give back to those people, to cancer patients, a dollar of every ticket sold on tour goes to City of Hope for cancer, I don't just sing and dance and bath in the glamour guys, I'm really really trying as hard as I can to give everything back that I can. There are some people that kinda run the business that have restrictions on HOW MUCH I can do, but I've pulled strings, and done as much as I can. But I can't do it at all, neither cna those that help under everyday bases, so let's just try and keep climbing, and keep trying. These little babies need inspiration to continue THEIR climb, and to keep climbing and to keep trying and that sometimes you do have to lose, but not if you keep pushing, to keep trying. So be an inspiration to those children, give back just a little and it'll be worth so very much.
I hope you guys have awesome holidays, I hope you have an amazing New Year an amazing Christmas, and I hope you never lose the meaning behind either through presents and colors and trees, so be happy and be safe, and God bless you guys! You're amaznig, and thank you so much for the oppurtunities you've given me. Let's give another kid an oppurtunity too.
God bless you guys, I love you,
We're so blessed, some children just aren't as lucky. Let's let them know they're blessed FOR the inspiration they give to us. Because every child struggling, and every child going through something like that, inspires me so much. My best friend Vanessa died when I was my BOBW tour from being not so lucky, and if I can give back to soeone like that, if I can insure that someone else won't go through what she went through then I'm going to do everything in my power to keep it from happening. We CAN help, we just DON'T. So don't lay around spoiled, and not caring about what's going on in the world because BABIES are dying everyday because we have so much. So give back, and keep trying.
Okay, I'm totally crying so that's my que that I need to shut up and let ya'll read it and hopefully inspire some people, GOD bless you guys, I love you. PLEASE give back, PLEASE consider it, PLEASE talk to your parents.
We don't know hw blessed we are just to see the sun rise in the morning, to experience snow, to have an education, we're so lucky for all of that. Be an inspiration. Especially those who want to be in the industry, your going to see a lot of this in your future if you keep trying, everyone GIVE BACK, go save those children, go give them inspiration. Go let them know that DEATH ISN'T THE CURE. I love you guys.
Keep Climbing, and on your climb if you can hold someones hand and help them up a little bit of that mountain than you've done something much greater than you'll ever accomplish through a new cell phone, or new uggs. So give back guys. You don't have to be on Disney to be an inspiration and a rolemodel. Go be one right now, and give those children something they'd never expect, even if all that is, is love.
I love ya'll.
Miley xo
Monday, December 7, 2009

HEY!!!!! I have so much news, I'm SO excited to share with you guys!!
It's about 7:30 in the morning here, I'm not "just" awake but I've been up this morning. I'm just feeling the need to blog!
Like in my mileyworld blog I will go ahead and get this out of my system!!
I'm not a huge person on pop music, as you all know, but we all know that that lady is a GENIUS!!! I've been listening to her music for a while, not too many songs but honestly who is more abstract and inspiring than lady gaga?! Her inspiration for me is just to be yourself. She literally wears SUCH outfits that are so.. CRAZY!!! And she works them! She's a huge fashion inspiration, and I am just so so so excited to be able to share with you how much of an amazing woman she is!! I got a picture with her, and hopefully before I finish this blog I will find out how to post pictures!!! =]
I have been in England for a few days now, I'm excited to be spending my Christmas here, and to share some music over here in the UK! My first time performing Party in the USA here was at the Jingle Bell ball - which was uh-mazing! I had such a wonderful time, met some awesome UK artists, and we had an awesome time. Although I must say, it was SO freezing! I was in literally like, mini shorts, boots, and a tee that was half open so I was really cold but it was still awesome. I had an awesome time, I was so excited and honored to be there.
OMGOSH! That lady is honestly so beautiful, and when I met her she was so sweet and genuine, I honestly had a moment of just 'Wow' because honestly, HOW MANY 17 year old girls can say, "Yeah, I chilled with the queen of England last week!"??? Not many! Going in, I thought I'd just go, perform, have a good time, meet her, then leave. But it ended up being so much more! I met a lot of amazing people, had an experience of meeting the queen that I am so blessed for, she's honestly the sweetest. And I met LADY GAGA!!! ( listening to Poker Face right now in honor of this amazing night =)
I wanted to attack some rumors, I will be attacking on mileyworld as well but for those who haven't had Mileyworld - I DIDN'T GO TO AN ADULT PARTY!! Such a stupid lie to make up, I had a wonderful time at the hotel with my friends, the next day I was out at the pool the whole next day. So, whatever. No "adult parties" for me. Sorry.
I've been shopping a lot in London, it's been such a wonderful shopping experience BECAUSE London is a huge fashion CAPITOL of the world, so much fashion in such an amazing place. I've been hanging with my friends Scott and Denika so much, and that's been so fun. We've been hanging out a lot on tour and here having so much time off we've really been bonding!
OUR NEW OBSESSION = CLUE! Since it's a time change we are awake so much, and we play clue all night long. Somehow, I've become the stereotypical "dumb blonde" of the game because I am blissfully unaware of the obvious. They laugh so much at me because I've been having, "but the, and the.. ohhhh... i get it now." moments! Luckily I am now a little more used to the time change. It's gonna be hell trying to adjust back home! Like right now being about 8 in the morning, it'll be.. I think about 11pm back home! It's INSANE!! But I'm so blessed for the experience and I can't wait to get home and share the stories with my friends!
Also, as soon as I'm home HANNAH!!!! yay! I can't wait to get back on the show, back with my friends and back to filming! It's my home, and I can't wait to get back to it.
SOMETHING I WANTED TO ADDRESS! I am SO tired of nosy people!! Omgosh! even in my personal life, why can't yuo just LEAVE something alone, you know?! It's like dude. I've given enough, DON'T keep snooping! It's really just so annoying! UGH! I can't stress it enough. ANYWAY.
So yeah, I met Lady Gaga, huge amazingness. I'm getting kinda tired now, I might take a nap today but hopefully I can get out and have a wonderful day =]
THANK YOU for reading my HUGE rant, hopefully I can figure out how to get pictures on here!!!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
We just closed my SECOND headlining tour in America!!! =] I'm so so excited, and it's all thanks to you guys! Because of you guys we have donated SO MUCH money to the City Of Hope for Cancer! One dollar off of EVERY ticket sold went to City of Hope!!!
Now we're on our way to the UK, to finish the whole tour!! I'm so excited, spending so much time there! I'll be there for Christmas! I kinda wish I could be back home, but I know London is so beautiful, and I can't wait!
I don't know what else to write, other than that I'm so thankful, I wanted to thank everyone so much for making this tour, not only this tour but everything I've worked so hard for, such a success. You can only be as great as your fans, and I must be doing pretty dang good, cause I have the best fans in the world!!! I honestly love all of you guys, and all of my fans just so so much, I'm so thankful for every single second that you guys are loving me, and I love you guys 10X more!!!
It's been pretty crazy during this tour, I wasn't expecting it to turn out the way it did, the kind of entertainment that we transitioned into, but it's honestly been just so much fun, and such an awesome time and I'm so blessed for the oppurtunities I've had, and hopefully will continue to have in the UK.
Thank you guys so much, and I can't wait to hear from you guys!!
So guys, thank you again for the amazing American tour, I hope some of ya'll got ot come to the shows, with or without being able to go, even through youtube, I hope you all enjoyed it and I can't wait to keep rocking for everyone!
It's a party in the UK! Get ready to rock,
Love ya'll!
Miley C
We just closed my SECOND headlining tour in America!!! =] I'm so so excited, and it's all thanks to you guys! Because of you guys we have donated SO MUCH money to the City Of Hope for Cancer! One dollar off of EVERY ticket sold went to City of Hope!!!
Now we're on our way to the UK, to finish the whole tour!! I'm so excited, spending so much time there! I'll be there for Christmas! I kinda wish I could be back home, but I know London is so beautiful, and I can't wait!
I don't know what else to write, other than that I'm so thankful, I wanted to thank everyone so much for making this tour, not only this tour but everything I've worked so hard for, such a success. You can only be as great as your fans, and I must be doing pretty dang good, cause I have the best fans in the world!!! I honestly love all of you guys, and all of my fans just so so much, I'm so thankful for every single second that you guys are loving me, and I love you guys 10X more!!!
It's been pretty crazy during this tour, I wasn't expecting it to turn out the way it did, the kind of entertainment that we transitioned into, but it's honestly been just so much fun, and such an awesome time and I'm so blessed for the oppurtunities I've had, and hopefully will continue to have in the UK.
Thank you guys so much, and I can't wait to hear from you guys!!
So guys, thank you again for the amazing American tour, I hope some of ya'll got ot come to the shows, with or without being able to go, even through youtube, I hope you all enjoyed it and I can't wait to keep rocking for everyone!
It's a party in the UK! Get ready to rock,
Love ya'll!
Miley C
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- Miley
- I am experiencing new things, I am learning new lessons, I am living my life.