Hey guys, it's been brutally brought to my attention how confused y'all are. And it confuses me because I make it very clear where I am on the internet! I just wanted to stress that, although I know twitter was an awesome way to keep up with me & for me to talk to y'all first and be very blunt about rumors I AM NOT ON TWITTER ANYMORE. There is no hope for twitter, I'm completely over it. @MileyCyrus is closed, and I am not coming back. I have NO other twitter accounts and will never have another twitter account ever!
I am not on myspace OR facebook! There are is only ONE official Miley Cyrus page on each site. And I do not access EITHER of them! Sometimes I've gotten on my facebook but that is all I have!
Those are MYSPACE.COM/MILEYCYRUS and FACEBOOK.COM/MILEYCYRUS!!! That is ALL that I have for my promotional things!
The ONLY ACCOUNTS that I have PERSONALLY online are YOUTUBE.COM/MCFORREALZZZ (my ONLY youtube ) and Ask.FM/RealMiley which I made because Ryan Seacrest introduced me to it and I've been checking it out. But those are the ONLY THINGS!!!
I HAVE NO FACEBOOK, TWITTER, MYSPACE, OR ANY OTHER SITE!!! I am very against the internet, it's a dangerous place. I use those two outlets to talk to y'all personally and in a SAFE ENVIROMENT FOR MY FANS!
And of course the 1# place to EVER find me is on MILEYCYRUS.COM and MILEYWORLD.COM!!!!!!!!! You can ALWAYS be sure there and ALWAYS get the FIRST look and news on everything!!!
I just wanted to make sure everyone was aware! I AM NOT ON THE INTERNET!!!
Monday, October 25, 2010
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Hey everyone! I can't believe tomorrow is the day I'm hosting MMVA's! I'm stoked. I can't wait to see my friends and hopefully meet some new ones :) I'm heading to bed in Canada after a long lonely day. I let go of HW Records today & signed with RMR Records too! Crazy! I can't wait for future adventures and "LOL" soon for the summer :) :) :)
Xo X M
Xo X M
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Hey guys! I'm backstage at Rock In Rio Madrid. I got to spend a few days settled in London and that was so rad, I enjoyed it so much. Especially the fans that got to come out to check out my "G-A-Y" private show! I am stoked to be back in Madrid. I love this euro tour. Its truly been one of the best! Thank you all! Oh, and for the FIRST official release - what would yall think of a Cant Be Tamed WORLD TOUR???? =]
Monday, May 31, 2010
Hey everyone! I have been to such beautiful places the past few days, it's mind blowing! I haven't performed in these cities so I am so happy to be doing this for my fans. I also wanted to remind you all that the release date for "can't be tamed" has been changed to June 18th! I am stoked to be doing this and am so blessed I have such amazing and demanding fans! None of this would be possible without you! I also broke a record with my crowd at "rock in rio" with over 119,000 people!!!! WHOA!!!! Thank you all so much! I can't wait for you to hear all of the songs and learn their meanings an what and who I wrote them for!! Xoxoxx! =]
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Hey guys! I'm leaving Mexico, some vacation! My sister Brandi turned 23 today and heading home so she she can see her friends tonight for her birthday. Tomorrow I'm boarding a plane to Portugal! I'll also be visiting all over Europe. I'll be hitting England, Germany, Spain, and much more. I am so excited! "Rock Rio" is gonna be the bomb! =] thanks so much for making "tamed" 1# video on iTunes and song of the week I'm so blessed. I can't wait to see you UK!!! Xoxo, M
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Hey guys! I woke up where I feel like I should never leave. Nashville, TN! I am so happy to be home for such a short time. I will be leaving really soon! I went from LA to Kentucky to Nashville going to NYC too for the S&TC premiere! Ahh! I'm on a radio tour and I'm currently being patched into a radio show right now at 6am!!! I wanna go back to sleep ha! Thank u again for making "tamed" 1#!!! June 22 is getting closer! Ps I'm coming VERY SOON UK!!! I love you all!! :)
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Just finished my "can't be tamed" version featuring Lil John! We can't wait for yall to hear it, it sounds dope! And thank you guys so much! Can't be tamed is 1# on iTunes! You guys are sooo amazing! I'm going down to the studio tonight to celebrate the success with my Rock Mafia family!!!! We are all so proud of this song and we are so happy yall like it!!! Loveeeeeee!!!!!! M
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Hey guys! "Cant Be Tamed" is now on iTunes! It hit #4 within 12 hours of release. If it can hit #1 within 16 it will break Britneys world record for "womanizer"!!! I am so stoked it got so much attention so quickly! Also, not only am I HOSTING the Much Music Awards which is a huge honor, but I'm also nominated!! Vote vote vote!!! I am performing on DWTS in a few short hours, I hope everyone tunes in! I got such ridiculous looks this morning travelling with my birdcage. I hope it's first performance does the song justice. Also this weekend I am heading to Kentucky for a charity event to visit with children. I cannot wait to see any of ya who will be there! In only a month my record will be released. Ahhhh! It's so soon! I'm so stoked. I have the best fans in the world!!! I love you! Xoxox!
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Hey guys! Such a busy weekend so gonna make it short! Yesterday was the last day on HM, it's crazy it's over. I don't know how to handle it. My mommys bday was yesterday, yayy! Congrats to Liam and the other winners of their Young Hollywood Awards! And today my girl Cory from Tybee is going to be married! Such a beautiful girl, John is so lucky and I wish I was there with all of my heart. I love you Cory! And I don't wanna take my buddy back to the airport tonight to leave after such short time together. :(
Thank you all so much for the support of HM over the years, I love you all so much. And rememer to check out my first performance of "Tamed" on DWTS Tuesday! Also on iTunes May 18th! Who's gonna check them out? I can't wait.
Thank you all so much for the support of HM over the years, I love you all so much. And rememer to check out my first performance of "Tamed" on DWTS Tuesday! Also on iTunes May 18th! Who's gonna check them out? I can't wait.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Hey guys!
On the set of HM today filming one of the very last two episodes. One of the many days we've been on set crying the entire time. It's so hard to believe and accept that HM is coming to an end. Time truly flies. We were looking through pictures and old clips and I just kept asking where the time went. It seems like yesterday. We have all grown and will always love the show, we are all ready to go do new things, but saying good-bye is the hardest thing I've ever done. I'm cherishing one of the last few moments I will wear the Hannah wig. One of the last moments I will BE Hannah Montana. I don't really know how to do this yet, just taking it one day at a time.
We all love yall!!! Xoxo
On the set of HM today filming one of the very last two episodes. One of the many days we've been on set crying the entire time. It's so hard to believe and accept that HM is coming to an end. Time truly flies. We were looking through pictures and old clips and I just kept asking where the time went. It seems like yesterday. We have all grown and will always love the show, we are all ready to go do new things, but saying good-bye is the hardest thing I've ever done. I'm cherishing one of the last few moments I will wear the Hannah wig. One of the last moments I will BE Hannah Montana. I don't really know how to do this yet, just taking it one day at a time.
We all love yall!!! Xoxo
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Hey guys!
Today is such a big day. It's the last day before the photos of my new video are released then Friday the video is premiering! So much has been going on but I took some time at work today to really think. This Friday my "Disney" image will be gone. It's such a scary thought! It's something I've wanted to for so long, I am excited but it's such a big and life changing experience too. I've been reminding myself that I'm almost 18, I need to grow and let my fans see who I truly am. I am so happy to share all of these trials and challenges with you all. And to show you who I am, and what I want to do. I think you'll all be shocked, you've never seen this side of me before that will be expressed in the video. But more than that, I'll think you'll be closer to me. You'll see who I am. Thank you for coming on this journey with me through the "Cant Be Tamed" video and I hope you all enjoy it.
Remember to check out my official myspace/mileycyrus for it's new lay out to support the video and especially for the premiering Friday.
I love you all, hope all is well! Xo
Today is such a big day. It's the last day before the photos of my new video are released then Friday the video is premiering! So much has been going on but I took some time at work today to really think. This Friday my "Disney" image will be gone. It's such a scary thought! It's something I've wanted to for so long, I am excited but it's such a big and life changing experience too. I've been reminding myself that I'm almost 18, I need to grow and let my fans see who I truly am. I am so happy to share all of these trials and challenges with you all. And to show you who I am, and what I want to do. I think you'll all be shocked, you've never seen this side of me before that will be expressed in the video. But more than that, I'll think you'll be closer to me. You'll see who I am. Thank you for coming on this journey with me through the "Cant Be Tamed" video and I hope you all enjoy it.
Remember to check out my official myspace/mileycyrus for it's new lay out to support the video and especially for the premiering Friday.
I love you all, hope all is well! Xo
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Hey guys! So my internet should be a lot better now meaning I'm back to blogging and everything. Yipee! =]
I just wanted to let you all know that it's 99.9% confirmed my first performance of "I can't be tamed" will be on Dancing With The Stars, May 18th! I'm so stoked.
I love you guys and sorry I've been working so much but it's been insane. Working on everything, CONSTANTLY! But I'm thinking I'll be more on formalring to answer yalls questions and that might help. It's so convenient. So check out my formspring.me/askmiley and send in all your questions as much as possible.
I just wanted to let you all know that it's 99.9% confirmed my first performance of "I can't be tamed" will be on Dancing With The Stars, May 18th! I'm so stoked.
I love you guys and sorry I've been working so much but it's been insane. Working on everything, CONSTANTLY! But I'm thinking I'll be more on formalring to answer yalls questions and that might help. It's so convenient. So check out my formspring.me/askmiley and send in all your questions as much as possible.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
My new home. =]

These are a few pictures of my new house!!! =] I am so excited. No I am NOT moved in quite yet, I don't know if I'll wait until I'm 18 either though. I can't promise anything. But I swear that if I do move out before I'm 18 it will be LEGAL & completely approved by my parents! Some people want to start such stupid lies. And it makes me so sad because this is such a huge occasion for me I'm excited, I'm so excited to start mylife on my own and start to create new memories and figure out what lifestyle I'll choose in my home for the rest of my life when I AM an adult and settling down and everything. I'm so excited for the future and to get all of this behind me, but yes I will miss living with my family very much I'm sure. But this is only two blocks from my parents house which I'm sure is where I'll be half the time anyway because my mommy is my co-manager, HELLO! It's not like I'm never gonna see my parents again. And FYI my big brother AND sister have been moved out for YEARS! And Braison is wanting to move out at 17 too when he gets 17. I may be and Brandi did! So it's not a huge deal that people are making it out to be. I've finally paid it and BOUGHT my new house! I am so excited, it's the best feeling in the world right now. I am just so surreal and excited. For the "fun fact " going aruond YES it was Freddie Prince Jr.'s old place, got a lot of historic moments there duh! I'm just super happy and excited. It is 4 bedroom, 4 bath, etc etc. It has a lot of awesome little add on things and I'm loving it. I'm decorating it right now, finding the PERFECT furniture and designs. I'm basically choosing or creating EVERYTHING! I want this to be MY thing. I am just happy. I want everything zen, and on the floor, and calm and peaceful and loving. No it's not gonna be wild & crazy. I'm taking this super seriously. Anywho, I'm excited, hope ya'll enjoyed hte first pictures & I'll have some up of the inside soon too!!! Xo
Love ya,
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
What happened?
So The Last Song released tonight in theaters. I've been anticipating it for months and months even before we filmed and it's been the most exciting thing I've done. I don't really know how to react now because I've truly brought myself down about it. I made the mistake of reading stupid gossip sites that had negative reviews before I read my fans support on it from mileyworld and those places that matter. Well originally my boyfriend text me and was like, "Hey, don't pay attention to this site because it's all untrue." and I was like "Well what site is it?!" and I found it unfortunately and read it and I bummed myself out about it. I don't get why so many good reviews get ignored but the horrible ones are the most popular. Why be so negative? Seriously how would you have to be raised to enjoy watching people trash someone else? I understand a lot of bad reviews was because I'm disliked by a lot of people I'm " Hannah Montana" and no one expects me to do well so they just go ahead and pick it apart. Or they compare the movie to my previous outlets & the story itself to others. This was different for me and scared me today because this is not MY movie. This isn't Hannah Montana, this isn't a Miley Cyrus concert film this is a NICHOLAS SPARKS movie, and I was just there to paint a picture for him and to be this character. It's not a Miley Cyrus movie starring Miley Cyrus, it's a Nicholas Sparks movie featuring Miley Cyrus. It's very different on a huge scale. I was trying to do the story justice. It's such a huge thing for me and of course I've never been in a serious film either wher I wasn't "Miley". Miley Stewart is very different from myself but it's still Miley, there's that sense of security because it's so easy now. This was Ronnie Miller. I was trying to give her justice. It's all very complicated. I hate reviews because when Nick was writing this he wasn't saying, "Okay. This is the next Notebook I have to do the same things." or anything like that, yet people take the Notebook and A Walk To Remember and try and compare and they see it negatively because maybe to them it ISN'T as great of a movie. But the story is its OWN story. It should be judged that way. Dear John... I don't get why that is such a big thing either. Everyone even on that set has been competitive about this whole thing ebcause it's two of Nick's films coming out. I think we should be more united, it is not MY movie, it's not CHANNING's movie, it's not AMANDA's movie. It's NICHOLAS SPARKS'. We shouldn't be doing anything to say " My movie was better!!!" they're both amazing story lines on different levels with two seperate stories. It's not the same story, we shouldn't be competing or talking negatively about eachother. I've done nothing but wish the best of luck to Dear John and it looks beautiful to me. I never went on about Amanda's voice or anything like that it isn't ABOUT that and it's so sad that people take advantage of NICHOLAS' story like that just to pick on me especially when they are an influence on others. Otherpeople will see Channing and Amanda saying things abuot me, THEIR FANS will see that and say, "They're competing! I'm their fan I won't see THe Last Song cause it has Miley!" the movie had nothing to do with 'Miley Cyrus' it's about family, and Nicholas, and romance, not about me and it's so sad that people use it that way. And miss out on a beautiful story because they're judging.
I've just truly bummed myself out because this movie was suppose to be my dream come true. And it is. But because for a split second I was bored and decided to read a review I am bummed out. Everyone will say "It doesn't matter what they say Miley, it was amazing!!" and try to make me smile and that's awesome but the point isn't that. I'm just not as excited as I'd thought I'd be so I learned my lesson. I'm kinda in a bad mood anyway so hopefully it'll slip away and I'll feel better later and be as excited as I should be because I have the best fans in the world and they deserve to feel appreciation for supporting this movie & trust me I AM so thankful and SO surereal and insanely happy for the positive feedback on it, I just don't get why people are so rude.
Jealousy is an illness, get well soon.
Thank you everyone who checked out or will check out Last Song, remember that "Opening" is very important, the first few days for the box office and stuff so check it out ASAP if your going to but seeing it at all is absolutely amazing. Thank you so much for making my dream come true if it wasn't for ya'll I wouldn't have been able to do any of this I am so so happy and thank you and love you with all of my heart.
God bless,
I've just truly bummed myself out because this movie was suppose to be my dream come true. And it is. But because for a split second I was bored and decided to read a review I am bummed out. Everyone will say "It doesn't matter what they say Miley, it was amazing!!" and try to make me smile and that's awesome but the point isn't that. I'm just not as excited as I'd thought I'd be so I learned my lesson. I'm kinda in a bad mood anyway so hopefully it'll slip away and I'll feel better later and be as excited as I should be because I have the best fans in the world and they deserve to feel appreciation for supporting this movie & trust me I AM so thankful and SO surereal and insanely happy for the positive feedback on it, I just don't get why people are so rude.
Jealousy is an illness, get well soon.
Thank you everyone who checked out or will check out Last Song, remember that "Opening" is very important, the first few days for the box office and stuff so check it out ASAP if your going to but seeing it at all is absolutely amazing. Thank you so much for making my dream come true if it wasn't for ya'll I wouldn't have been able to do any of this I am so so happy and thank you and love you with all of my heart.
God bless,
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
I had a great weekend and beginning of the week. I spent Sunday night with my mammie, boyfriend, noah, ems, and the most precious baby 3 year old girl ever. My aunt came over later that night when everyone was in bed. My mama dyed her hair a little more blonde the other day and now her and my aunt look SO alike! They are so gorgeous. We all got to hang out and watch "who is clark rockefeller" on lifetime, it was such a good movie. I got to watch it again last night. We brought chinese home and just got to chill. Yesterday me and liam and some more of the cast did some press. I did an interview and "press sesh" alone after which is sooo weird, then I went to set. Today I'm on set, doing press and possibly some record work. crazy but BLESSED schedule :) just gotta keep my cool w/ these friggen photographers! Went to the park @ the end of t day w/ boyfriend and noah too. Great last few days!!! God bless. Xo!
Monday, March 8, 2010
Positivity Over Negativity
It makes no sense to me how people can take someone physically and just tear them down, and tear them apart. I am faced everyday with new challenges, and I know everyday that I have so many people out there waiting for me to fall. What gets me through the day is knowing that there are so many more that want me to smile, including myself.
It is a hard struggle though, having confidence. Maybe a little harder than expected. I have been known for my confidence for a long time. I love myself, I love my body, I love who I am and what I intend to be. But at the end of the day I will always be 17 years old, I will always be a human. As surprising as that may seem to some/most.
I lost my train of thought trying to redo this entire blog a little less depressing, because I am not the same girl I was when I first made this. And I am so happy for that, and thankful to the LORD that I have changed. When I made this blog I was very caught. I was very confused and I was very stuck in my life. I didn't know who I was suppose to be, who I wanted to end up being, who I was in general. And I was really stuck in that, and trying to get happiness from things that weren't within myself. And that was where I messed up. As I've said many many times before, I grew up in Tybee Island. I went and I was depressed, and in the middle of so much going on in my life, and I was hurting and I wanted out of Hollywood and I wanted to learn and experience new things and I did. I met people there on a normal level, like any other kid would meet their friends. I met so many people that are so close to my heart, and I bonded with some old friends that made us closer than ever. I grew up in Tybee Island, in many ways. And when I left I knew I would be happy.
I entered Georgia a very afraid, very confused, very stubborn, very lost, very broken, very hopeless and depressed girl. I left Georgia proud of myself, and loving myself, and full of happiness, and knowing who I was from that experience. I learned to not care who I was before then, and focus on right now. And that was something I truly needed to do.
At the end of the day, I know who I am. I have a new confidence and I have grown. I have always had to grow fast, but Tybee really changed me as a person, as a whole, and I love who I became. And the people around me see how happy I am now. I have never been so happy in my life. I am working so hard in everything that I include myself in. Everything that I participate in gets 110$%. I am so happy in my life right now. Although I am leaving some things behind, I know that more doors are opening. I know that my best friends have my back, I know that my boyfriend will hold my hand through everything, and I know that my family MOST importantly would never leave my side under any circumstances. I will be okay. The point of this entire blog was to really talk about these " haters", these people who sit around at their computers and do nothing but find flaws and tear me down, make fun of me, insult me, and try to intentionally crush me with their words. The LORD made my body the way he made my body. If anything, I would've even mind someone picking on my acting, or my singing, but not on the glorious temple that GOD gave me.
I am surrounded by the most beautiful and sweet people on the planet. Literally. From everything to this blog, to my everyday life and family. And yes, although hearing that someone considers me beautiful is so endearing and so sweet, and it warms my heart... I am still a human at the end of the day. I sometimes wonder if they wake up in the mornings ready and willing to just hurt people about their physical appearance. It hurts my heart that people intentionally want to hurt me and that throughout all of these years, and everything that I've done, I am still faced with the same bullies and demons that I faced when I was young and in school. It is disgusting. People think because they are behind a computer screen they can say whatever they'd like to, and not pay the consequences. And that is very true. And that is very sad. I wish there was more we could do, but unfortunately there isn't. Why cyber-bullying, gossip sites, etc are not something that is taken seriously. No matter what wrongs I have done, what mistakes I have made, I am still a 17 year old girl. I do not deserve to hear people screaming at me that I am a whore to impress their friends while I'm just walking down the street. And that is no uncommon example. I have that happen at least once a day. I don't remember a day that has gone by ( aside from being in Georgia. it is so peaceful there...) that it hasn't happened.
It hurts knowing that myself, and even other people my age have to go through this. Most of my memories are infront of cameras. I hate that I cannot spend a day with my boyfriend without cameras in our faces, and people trying to push us and shove us. A few days ago I was riding my bike to Jamba and when I came out and tried to ride my bike back home, one of the paparazzi tried their hardest to shove me off of my bike on multiple occasions. There should be some laws, something that gives them limits! It is not right at all how people are treated by these " photographers"! It's a disgusting job. There are other ways of keeping food on the table. These are 30-50 year old men! And they follow, yell, push and scream at you. Not all are violent, why they are like this with me is completely beyond me. I have seen paparazzi follow my other friends, for a few examples, Demi Lovato, Nick Jonas, and I have never seen anything violent happen. I sometimes wonder what I did to deserve the negatives of it all, but I do know that it is all worth it. I love what I do, I love acting and my passions, and I wouldn't give it up for the world. Making people smile is my goal in everything that I do. Making myself happy, and others smile is a beautiful accomplishment that I am so happy to be able to do everyday.
Tonight I read an article of someone talking about my dress at The Oscars. Saying that it was age-inappropriate, unflattering, and unfitting. As far as I'm concerned it fit pretty dang well. I need everyone to understand this is the hardest transition time for me. I am breaking apart from Hannah, I am leaving my pop genre music, a very serious movie is coming out, and I have become more edgy. I will be 18 this year. I have to find a way to not only bring the young, fun and rocker side into things, but also the mature and classy to help everyone endure and accept my transition healthily. I honestly expected worse than what this article said but it said some very mean things about me in general, physically. Yes, I do slouch. I am very open about it, I've spoken about it many times. I can help it, yes, but I don't know one person my age, or even older that does not slouch. People have this high expectation on me to be perfect and that will never happen, it's impossible. The dress was originally a wedding gown, and a GORGEOUS one. I was very pelased with everything about the dress and the look. I loved the message it sent as well. It was very glamerous, but also very sexy and also classy - in my own opinion. That is what I was aiming for and I, personally, saw that in it and wasvery pleased. No one can take that from me, including this article or any other.
I just wanted to vent about it, and let everyone know that no matter how " confident" I may be, all of us have a breaking point. And I have reached it. It hurts that people can truly sit and just hate me, and make fun of me, for things that God gave me. I work so hard, and I try so hard to be happy and make others happy. I am enjoying my life and living it freely. Why would someone want to take that away from me? What posesses people to want to hurt, and want to watch me fall. It is beyond me! But I am done with all of this negativity. I am ready to grow from it and move on. I will admit that it did bring down my confidence a lot, not because they offended me but because they tried to say that I was created wrong. That God messed up with me. And that can hurt anyone.
Anyway, I am very happy with my life, and I am so blessed and aware that I am as blessed as I am. I try to take things for granted as least as possible, and I think I have learned how to truly appreciate things the way I should. I have the best of friends around me that support me through every decision, I am so in love with the most amazing man that anyone could ever hope to meet or even just catch a glimpse of. the LORD sent me an angel. In boy form... remind me to thank the big guy upstairs for that one ;) hehe. But he is truly my angel, and he saved me, and I am just so happy and he makes me so happy and I am just loving my life. I love everyone in it, and I hope that these next few months play out as I am praying that they will. I am excited to start travelling, and I am loving being on set, and also working on my last ( VERY) pop record. I am enjoying every moment of my life to the fullest that I can, and I am so thankful I have people there to catch me when they aren't as enjoyable.
Thank you all for listening to my rant, I can't wait to see what the future holds.
Love always,
It is a hard struggle though, having confidence. Maybe a little harder than expected. I have been known for my confidence for a long time. I love myself, I love my body, I love who I am and what I intend to be. But at the end of the day I will always be 17 years old, I will always be a human. As surprising as that may seem to some/most.
I lost my train of thought trying to redo this entire blog a little less depressing, because I am not the same girl I was when I first made this. And I am so happy for that, and thankful to the LORD that I have changed. When I made this blog I was very caught. I was very confused and I was very stuck in my life. I didn't know who I was suppose to be, who I wanted to end up being, who I was in general. And I was really stuck in that, and trying to get happiness from things that weren't within myself. And that was where I messed up. As I've said many many times before, I grew up in Tybee Island. I went and I was depressed, and in the middle of so much going on in my life, and I was hurting and I wanted out of Hollywood and I wanted to learn and experience new things and I did. I met people there on a normal level, like any other kid would meet their friends. I met so many people that are so close to my heart, and I bonded with some old friends that made us closer than ever. I grew up in Tybee Island, in many ways. And when I left I knew I would be happy.
I entered Georgia a very afraid, very confused, very stubborn, very lost, very broken, very hopeless and depressed girl. I left Georgia proud of myself, and loving myself, and full of happiness, and knowing who I was from that experience. I learned to not care who I was before then, and focus on right now. And that was something I truly needed to do.
At the end of the day, I know who I am. I have a new confidence and I have grown. I have always had to grow fast, but Tybee really changed me as a person, as a whole, and I love who I became. And the people around me see how happy I am now. I have never been so happy in my life. I am working so hard in everything that I include myself in. Everything that I participate in gets 110$%. I am so happy in my life right now. Although I am leaving some things behind, I know that more doors are opening. I know that my best friends have my back, I know that my boyfriend will hold my hand through everything, and I know that my family MOST importantly would never leave my side under any circumstances. I will be okay. The point of this entire blog was to really talk about these " haters", these people who sit around at their computers and do nothing but find flaws and tear me down, make fun of me, insult me, and try to intentionally crush me with their words. The LORD made my body the way he made my body. If anything, I would've even mind someone picking on my acting, or my singing, but not on the glorious temple that GOD gave me.
I am surrounded by the most beautiful and sweet people on the planet. Literally. From everything to this blog, to my everyday life and family. And yes, although hearing that someone considers me beautiful is so endearing and so sweet, and it warms my heart... I am still a human at the end of the day. I sometimes wonder if they wake up in the mornings ready and willing to just hurt people about their physical appearance. It hurts my heart that people intentionally want to hurt me and that throughout all of these years, and everything that I've done, I am still faced with the same bullies and demons that I faced when I was young and in school. It is disgusting. People think because they are behind a computer screen they can say whatever they'd like to, and not pay the consequences. And that is very true. And that is very sad. I wish there was more we could do, but unfortunately there isn't. Why cyber-bullying, gossip sites, etc are not something that is taken seriously. No matter what wrongs I have done, what mistakes I have made, I am still a 17 year old girl. I do not deserve to hear people screaming at me that I am a whore to impress their friends while I'm just walking down the street. And that is no uncommon example. I have that happen at least once a day. I don't remember a day that has gone by ( aside from being in Georgia. it is so peaceful there...) that it hasn't happened.
It hurts knowing that myself, and even other people my age have to go through this. Most of my memories are infront of cameras. I hate that I cannot spend a day with my boyfriend without cameras in our faces, and people trying to push us and shove us. A few days ago I was riding my bike to Jamba and when I came out and tried to ride my bike back home, one of the paparazzi tried their hardest to shove me off of my bike on multiple occasions. There should be some laws, something that gives them limits! It is not right at all how people are treated by these " photographers"! It's a disgusting job. There are other ways of keeping food on the table. These are 30-50 year old men! And they follow, yell, push and scream at you. Not all are violent, why they are like this with me is completely beyond me. I have seen paparazzi follow my other friends, for a few examples, Demi Lovato, Nick Jonas, and I have never seen anything violent happen. I sometimes wonder what I did to deserve the negatives of it all, but I do know that it is all worth it. I love what I do, I love acting and my passions, and I wouldn't give it up for the world. Making people smile is my goal in everything that I do. Making myself happy, and others smile is a beautiful accomplishment that I am so happy to be able to do everyday.
Tonight I read an article of someone talking about my dress at The Oscars. Saying that it was age-inappropriate, unflattering, and unfitting. As far as I'm concerned it fit pretty dang well. I need everyone to understand this is the hardest transition time for me. I am breaking apart from Hannah, I am leaving my pop genre music, a very serious movie is coming out, and I have become more edgy. I will be 18 this year. I have to find a way to not only bring the young, fun and rocker side into things, but also the mature and classy to help everyone endure and accept my transition healthily. I honestly expected worse than what this article said but it said some very mean things about me in general, physically. Yes, I do slouch. I am very open about it, I've spoken about it many times. I can help it, yes, but I don't know one person my age, or even older that does not slouch. People have this high expectation on me to be perfect and that will never happen, it's impossible. The dress was originally a wedding gown, and a GORGEOUS one. I was very pelased with everything about the dress and the look. I loved the message it sent as well. It was very glamerous, but also very sexy and also classy - in my own opinion. That is what I was aiming for and I, personally, saw that in it and wasvery pleased. No one can take that from me, including this article or any other.
I just wanted to vent about it, and let everyone know that no matter how " confident" I may be, all of us have a breaking point. And I have reached it. It hurts that people can truly sit and just hate me, and make fun of me, for things that God gave me. I work so hard, and I try so hard to be happy and make others happy. I am enjoying my life and living it freely. Why would someone want to take that away from me? What posesses people to want to hurt, and want to watch me fall. It is beyond me! But I am done with all of this negativity. I am ready to grow from it and move on. I will admit that it did bring down my confidence a lot, not because they offended me but because they tried to say that I was created wrong. That God messed up with me. And that can hurt anyone.
Anyway, I am very happy with my life, and I am so blessed and aware that I am as blessed as I am. I try to take things for granted as least as possible, and I think I have learned how to truly appreciate things the way I should. I have the best of friends around me that support me through every decision, I am so in love with the most amazing man that anyone could ever hope to meet or even just catch a glimpse of. the LORD sent me an angel. In boy form... remind me to thank the big guy upstairs for that one ;) hehe. But he is truly my angel, and he saved me, and I am just so happy and he makes me so happy and I am just loving my life. I love everyone in it, and I hope that these next few months play out as I am praying that they will. I am excited to start travelling, and I am loving being on set, and also working on my last ( VERY) pop record. I am enjoying every moment of my life to the fullest that I can, and I am so thankful I have people there to catch me when they aren't as enjoyable.
Thank you all for listening to my rant, I can't wait to see what the future holds.
Love always,
Sunday, March 7, 2010
just looked up to c I am still awake @ 4:45 a.m. let me tell ya it's not the most thrilling feeling. Even worse when u know u have to be somewhere important that day. I don't consider the Oscars important though - I consider them HISTORIC! I am soo blessed to be able to attend! I lovveee being around all of the uh-mazing artists! It is SO inspirational! It is so dark in my room, but I feel Mate @ my feet. I think he is the only thing keeping me same right now grr! Not only am I 1. Tired 2. Nervous about my lack of sleep to present tonight AND look glam 3. My attitude on the day with no sleeppp but also because I miss someone verryy much! I am heading to ny real soon for promotion for the movie! I am soo excccitteddd!! I really hope u all go c the movie it is getting soo close to coming out. This month is going to be craazyy! I am doing Hannah a few more days then taking a short break and going 2 ny for promotion then heading back and going straight to premiering! The world premieres will be insane cuz they ALWAYS r duh, but I cannnnot wait to get to some rad places! It is now 4:53 and something tells me I should try to sleep before the sun comes up hehe ;) and my favvoritteee show is on! Yipee! :) i am ready for a crazy schedule of traveling again! I haven't had this since the hm movie and it is soo exciitinngg! I might be too excited to sleep! ahhhhh!! :) thank u for reading my rant... I can't wait for movie promotion! The LORD is good xo!!
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Friday, March 5, 2010
Hey guys! Today has been so slow! I went to set early, and we had what I guess would be referred to as a "half day". I went home SO bored! Me and Liam were sitting around playing with the birdies and decided to go bike riding. It was SO relaxing, but we got followed by photographers. It was so lame. Today all together has been slow but relaxing. Going out with some friends now and then to dinner! I love you guys xox
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Sunday, February 28, 2010
Too much pain for smiles.
Today is a hard day for me. It's one of the hardest days I have to face...
Today a few years ago, in 2006, my Pappy passed away. It's a really hard thing for me, I've tried to push my attention to other places today, and it's really not working. Demi came over, and brought me a burger, and other friends did things to try and get my mind off of it and that is so great, and I am so thankful and stuff for them but the point is that I can't get it off my mind. I didn't wanna blog about it, I tried blogging earlier to keep happy but I just can't. Today is a depressing day for me. I still love my pappy and think of him every single day. It's so hard for me. I didn't want to release a date really that he died, but I just know that you guys love me,a nd I love you and you guys are such a wonderful support for me... it's just really hard. It gets really hard. And it's hard thinking that he's not here with me today. I try not to think about death, but it's so hard not to. When you know that that person is the only one who could help you with something, and then you remember that they're gone, and you won't see them again anytime soon. It's just weird, when you think about it and say to yourself, 'they're not gonna walk through that door tonight.' it's a hard thing. I try to avoid it as much as possible but it's still a hard thing.
It's hard when people ask you how to deal with things, and you don't even know yourself. I've had so many people ask, "how did you deal with the death of your pappy? My grandpa just died and I don't know what I'm doing." honestly, I don't know what I'm doing either. I try and take it day by day, I think about him everyday in a positive light, I don't think about the death, I think about the good things that happened, the memories, those things.
My pappy was always there for me, he supported everything that I ever wanted to do, and I wouldn't have done any of this without him. He was the one who never let me give up, and he inspired me in singing a lot, if he hadn't loved music so much I wouldn't have wanted to be a part of it. I am so thankful to him. And it makes me think, my pappy loved me and supported me so much, he did so much for me. So why can't complete strangers even just keep their mouths shut about what I wear? It's shocking. And I know that he's watching me, and I know that he's proud of me, for everything that I'm doing. Things happened the way they were suppose to... although I wish my pappy hadn't died from lung cancer, and it'd been more peaceful, I do believe it was his time. I know it was. And I was so depressed when he died, and things and I just held it in. I didn't know what to do, I didn't know which way to go, or what to do. I just stayed quiet, I just smiled and nodded, I never expressed it to anyone, I just kept going, kept going, kept going. And four months later I met the Jonas Brothers, and they made it so easy for me to just cry about it if I needed to, and to talk about it, and helped me write about it. My friends, family, they've all helped me, adn I've helped them to get through these few years and I know we will continue to because it is so hard on all of us. And will continue to be. But he is in a better place, watching us and helping my family. His life created so many oppurtunities for so many people, and even his death continued to help people. Once he'd passed, I created the Pappy Cyrus foundation, a charity and all kinds of thing under his name. His name will continue to live on in a charity, and in lives and everyone else, and especially through me.
I love my pappy, and I don't wanna say much more through respect for him, but I'll try to get out of this depression and this slump of this soon, because I know that he wants me happy, and I love being happy. So thank you everyone for all of your support, and I love you so much for everything you've done, and for supporting me and always making me smile. I love you guys so much.
I love and miss my Pappy, but I know that he's watching me and proud of me and that's what matters. I'll see him again one day.
"You used to call me your angel,
Said I was sent straight down from heaven,
You'd hold me close in your arms,
I love the way you felt so strong,
I never wanted you to leave,
I wanted you stay here holding me,
I miss you, I miss your smile,
And I still shed a tear, every once in a while,
And even though it's different now,
You're still here somehow,
My heart won't let you go,
And I need you to know,
I miss you, I miss you,
You used to call me your dreamer,
And now I'm living out my dream,
Oh how I wish you could see,
Everything that's happening for me,
I'm thinking back on the past,
It's true that time is flying by too fast,
I miss you, I miss your smile,
And I still shed a tear, every once in a while,
And even though it's different now,
You're still here somehow,
My heart won't let you go,
And I need you to know,
I miss you, I miss you,
I know you're in a better place,
But I wish that I could see your face,
I know you're where you need to be,
Even though it's not here with me,
I miss you, I miss your smile,
And I still shed a tear, every once in a while,
And even though it's different now,
You're still here somehow,
My heart won't let you go,
And I need you to know,
I miss you, I miss you,
I miss you, I miss your smile,
And I still shed a tear, every once in a while,
And even though it's different now,
You're still here somehow,
My heart won't let you go,
And I need you to know,
I miss you, I miss you."
I'm so happy he's not suffering anymore, having lung cancer is such a horrible thing to experience, I'm sure. And he was in a lot of pain too, so I'm so happy that he's resting now, and he's out of pain, and that's how I hopefully will continue to look at it until I see him again.
I miss you, and love you Pappy.
Love always,
Today a few years ago, in 2006, my Pappy passed away. It's a really hard thing for me, I've tried to push my attention to other places today, and it's really not working. Demi came over, and brought me a burger, and other friends did things to try and get my mind off of it and that is so great, and I am so thankful and stuff for them but the point is that I can't get it off my mind. I didn't wanna blog about it, I tried blogging earlier to keep happy but I just can't. Today is a depressing day for me. I still love my pappy and think of him every single day. It's so hard for me. I didn't want to release a date really that he died, but I just know that you guys love me,a nd I love you and you guys are such a wonderful support for me... it's just really hard. It gets really hard. And it's hard thinking that he's not here with me today. I try not to think about death, but it's so hard not to. When you know that that person is the only one who could help you with something, and then you remember that they're gone, and you won't see them again anytime soon. It's just weird, when you think about it and say to yourself, 'they're not gonna walk through that door tonight.' it's a hard thing. I try to avoid it as much as possible but it's still a hard thing.
It's hard when people ask you how to deal with things, and you don't even know yourself. I've had so many people ask, "how did you deal with the death of your pappy? My grandpa just died and I don't know what I'm doing." honestly, I don't know what I'm doing either. I try and take it day by day, I think about him everyday in a positive light, I don't think about the death, I think about the good things that happened, the memories, those things.
My pappy was always there for me, he supported everything that I ever wanted to do, and I wouldn't have done any of this without him. He was the one who never let me give up, and he inspired me in singing a lot, if he hadn't loved music so much I wouldn't have wanted to be a part of it. I am so thankful to him. And it makes me think, my pappy loved me and supported me so much, he did so much for me. So why can't complete strangers even just keep their mouths shut about what I wear? It's shocking. And I know that he's watching me, and I know that he's proud of me, for everything that I'm doing. Things happened the way they were suppose to... although I wish my pappy hadn't died from lung cancer, and it'd been more peaceful, I do believe it was his time. I know it was. And I was so depressed when he died, and things and I just held it in. I didn't know what to do, I didn't know which way to go, or what to do. I just stayed quiet, I just smiled and nodded, I never expressed it to anyone, I just kept going, kept going, kept going. And four months later I met the Jonas Brothers, and they made it so easy for me to just cry about it if I needed to, and to talk about it, and helped me write about it. My friends, family, they've all helped me, adn I've helped them to get through these few years and I know we will continue to because it is so hard on all of us. And will continue to be. But he is in a better place, watching us and helping my family. His life created so many oppurtunities for so many people, and even his death continued to help people. Once he'd passed, I created the Pappy Cyrus foundation, a charity and all kinds of thing under his name. His name will continue to live on in a charity, and in lives and everyone else, and especially through me.
I love my pappy, and I don't wanna say much more through respect for him, but I'll try to get out of this depression and this slump of this soon, because I know that he wants me happy, and I love being happy. So thank you everyone for all of your support, and I love you so much for everything you've done, and for supporting me and always making me smile. I love you guys so much.
I love and miss my Pappy, but I know that he's watching me and proud of me and that's what matters. I'll see him again one day.
"You used to call me your angel,
Said I was sent straight down from heaven,
You'd hold me close in your arms,
I love the way you felt so strong,
I never wanted you to leave,
I wanted you stay here holding me,
I miss you, I miss your smile,
And I still shed a tear, every once in a while,
And even though it's different now,
You're still here somehow,
My heart won't let you go,
And I need you to know,
I miss you, I miss you,
You used to call me your dreamer,
And now I'm living out my dream,
Oh how I wish you could see,
Everything that's happening for me,
I'm thinking back on the past,
It's true that time is flying by too fast,
I miss you, I miss your smile,
And I still shed a tear, every once in a while,
And even though it's different now,
You're still here somehow,
My heart won't let you go,
And I need you to know,
I miss you, I miss you,
I know you're in a better place,
But I wish that I could see your face,
I know you're where you need to be,
Even though it's not here with me,
I miss you, I miss your smile,
And I still shed a tear, every once in a while,
And even though it's different now,
You're still here somehow,
My heart won't let you go,
And I need you to know,
I miss you, I miss you,
I miss you, I miss your smile,
And I still shed a tear, every once in a while,
And even though it's different now,
You're still here somehow,
My heart won't let you go,
And I need you to know,
I miss you, I miss you."
I'm so happy he's not suffering anymore, having lung cancer is such a horrible thing to experience, I'm sure. And he was in a lot of pain too, so I'm so happy that he's resting now, and he's out of pain, and that's how I hopefully will continue to look at it until I see him again.
I miss you, and love you Pappy.
Love always,
I know everyone is waiting for a big thing about Chile and Hawaii as well. Honestly, I don't know what to say. It's crazy that all of this is happening. I think it's all becoming clear what we are doing to this planet. We take it for granted, and act like it's nothing. We can do anything we want. Then eventually things like this start happening. This isn't fate, this isn't God, this is what we have done. What we've done is now killing people, and overall the planet as well. I feel very blessed that my family wasn't harmed in the activity, and I pray and am so happy that none of you were affected as well PHYSICALLY. But all in all, we were ALL affected. And we don't have this timed, the same thing could happen where we live tomorrow. A family friend of ours since my mom was little called our house yesterday. Well her mom did. the mom called my mom and said that her daughter (moms friend ) was in Japan where the tsunami was suppose to hit. That the daughter had called and told her to tell everyone if they didn't hear from her by 9 a.m. she loved us all very much. It was so traumatic, we were all in shock and we were all SO worried. We woke up this morning to find out the tsunami didn't hit, THANK GOD!!! My mom was so thankful and we all are. Now we are praying that she gets a flight home, and can make it home very safetly and unharmed. Haiti, Chile, Hawaii, and other places where these natural disasters have taken place, and/or WILL take place need our prayers. And our HELP. So be involved, make sure to do anything you can to help! I will be too. I've told everyone for months LET'S HELP THE PLANET, let's DO THINGS, and it never happened. Maybe now things will! We can all pitch in and try to help the PLANET. Not just OURSELVES.
My prayers and my heart go out to everyone affected by the earthquakes and tsunamis.
A lot of people have been starting a lot about Nick J & myself. We are best friends guys! We enjoy being best friends and love it very much. We both love where we are and who we are with, and we enjoy eachothers company as well. We've been writing a lot lately, we've been hanging out quite a bit and that's rad, we've loved it. Don't get into it so much that you guys start assuming things, or even TRYING to figure out what's going on. We're close. That's my answer. We are very close and we're best friends. It's awesome being in the same town as your best friend once in a while, and being able to see eachother. And also everyone has been asking why I haven't been "talking about Liam," that's becasue I love having my personal life to myself some. I love you guys more than anything, and you DO know me, you know me, trust me. But there's just little things I like to keep to myself, for me. =]
It's so awesome having Nick, Demi, and Liam all in the same town for once. All at home, all able to hang out. It's so great, and I've enjoyed it so much and am SO thankful! But don't look into it all too much guys, we all love eachother very much!
About my boyfriend, like I mentioned in past blogs, I believe that you should feel appreciated! Women should be treated like princesses, and if you aren't, they're not worth it! And lately I truly have been. My boyfriend has cooked me dinner so much the past week, we've been taking long walks, and drives, and just laying down talking for hours and hours. It's been so amazing. We've truly cherished eachother and how much we love eachother, and that's just the best. because I truly do. And he is just the most amazing boy ever, and I've just had so much fun. I am so thankful, so blessed, so excited for the future. It's been amazing! I am so... HAPPY.
KCA! PLEASE vote for KCA guys! KCA is a huge thing for me because it is ALL you! It isn't critics, and all of that stuff that determines things like Oscars, and Grammys, this is so important to me because it is all you! I do everything I do for you guys, and I love doing it fo ryou guys! I'd rather have a KCA anyday than a Grammy because it's ALL. YOU. Would I appreciate a grammy? Ahem. Duh. Ha! But seriously, the KCA's and the TCA's, it's all YOU GUYS and that's what's most important to me because I know that I'm doing SOMETHING right. And I'm really working hard for oyu guys, and that I'm doing ENOUGH. This year might be my last year in a couple category's because Hannah IS ending by next KCA. So this is a very critical and important year for me in this award thing, and all of that, BLAH BLAH BLAH! I don't like using this for marketing at all, that's NOT what I'm trying to do, and I hope ya'll know that! I've just been thinking about KCA and wanted to share what I thought about it. it's not just "another award," AT ALL, it's saying that I am doing good TO you guys!! And that's what I'm working to do! You can vote as much as you want, there isn't a limit, so PLEASE check it out when/if you can and vote AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE! So check out the link below and guys PLEASE vote. Please pelase PLEASE vote, it means SO much to me so PLEASE vote!!
PLEASE vote!!!
What other news do I have.. hmm.. Hannah is doing great! The record is doing awesome! Life is good, life is good, life is good..
I guess that's it, I hope your all doing awesome, loving life, loving God, loving everything going on! Remember to pray for Haiti, they're not cured yet, it's still doing bad so WE STLL NEED TO PRAY FOR THEM! Haiti, Chile, Hawaii, Japan, everywhere that's being affected by these huge natural disasters. TAKE CARE OF OUR PLANET YA'LL!!
I love you so much, God bless you all, and keep praying!
Remember to check out "Nothing to Lose" by myself and Bret Michaels. It's his song but it's amazing and I am so happy and proud to have been a part of it, hopefully we can do some awesome stuff with that song later in the year! I'm so excited! Xox.
Love always,
P.S. I can't wait for October <3
My prayers and my heart go out to everyone affected by the earthquakes and tsunamis.
A lot of people have been starting a lot about Nick J & myself. We are best friends guys! We enjoy being best friends and love it very much. We both love where we are and who we are with, and we enjoy eachothers company as well. We've been writing a lot lately, we've been hanging out quite a bit and that's rad, we've loved it. Don't get into it so much that you guys start assuming things, or even TRYING to figure out what's going on. We're close. That's my answer. We are very close and we're best friends. It's awesome being in the same town as your best friend once in a while, and being able to see eachother. And also everyone has been asking why I haven't been "talking about Liam," that's becasue I love having my personal life to myself some. I love you guys more than anything, and you DO know me, you know me, trust me. But there's just little things I like to keep to myself, for me. =]
It's so awesome having Nick, Demi, and Liam all in the same town for once. All at home, all able to hang out. It's so great, and I've enjoyed it so much and am SO thankful! But don't look into it all too much guys, we all love eachother very much!
About my boyfriend, like I mentioned in past blogs, I believe that you should feel appreciated! Women should be treated like princesses, and if you aren't, they're not worth it! And lately I truly have been. My boyfriend has cooked me dinner so much the past week, we've been taking long walks, and drives, and just laying down talking for hours and hours. It's been so amazing. We've truly cherished eachother and how much we love eachother, and that's just the best. because I truly do. And he is just the most amazing boy ever, and I've just had so much fun. I am so thankful, so blessed, so excited for the future. It's been amazing! I am so... HAPPY.
KCA! PLEASE vote for KCA guys! KCA is a huge thing for me because it is ALL you! It isn't critics, and all of that stuff that determines things like Oscars, and Grammys, this is so important to me because it is all you! I do everything I do for you guys, and I love doing it fo ryou guys! I'd rather have a KCA anyday than a Grammy because it's ALL. YOU. Would I appreciate a grammy? Ahem. Duh. Ha! But seriously, the KCA's and the TCA's, it's all YOU GUYS and that's what's most important to me because I know that I'm doing SOMETHING right. And I'm really working hard for oyu guys, and that I'm doing ENOUGH. This year might be my last year in a couple category's because Hannah IS ending by next KCA. So this is a very critical and important year for me in this award thing, and all of that, BLAH BLAH BLAH! I don't like using this for marketing at all, that's NOT what I'm trying to do, and I hope ya'll know that! I've just been thinking about KCA and wanted to share what I thought about it. it's not just "another award," AT ALL, it's saying that I am doing good TO you guys!! And that's what I'm working to do! You can vote as much as you want, there isn't a limit, so PLEASE check it out when/if you can and vote AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE! So check out the link below and guys PLEASE vote. Please pelase PLEASE vote, it means SO much to me so PLEASE vote!!
PLEASE vote!!!
What other news do I have.. hmm.. Hannah is doing great! The record is doing awesome! Life is good, life is good, life is good..
I guess that's it, I hope your all doing awesome, loving life, loving God, loving everything going on! Remember to pray for Haiti, they're not cured yet, it's still doing bad so WE STLL NEED TO PRAY FOR THEM! Haiti, Chile, Hawaii, Japan, everywhere that's being affected by these huge natural disasters. TAKE CARE OF OUR PLANET YA'LL!!
I love you so much, God bless you all, and keep praying!
Remember to check out "Nothing to Lose" by myself and Bret Michaels. It's his song but it's amazing and I am so happy and proud to have been a part of it, hopefully we can do some awesome stuff with that song later in the year! I'm so excited! Xox.
Love always,
P.S. I can't wait for October <3
Friday, February 26, 2010
My mom and I have heard on multiple occasions that someone who looked just like her was showing up at the same places we were showing up! It was creepy at first, and we heard it several places. Today at lunch, my mom picked me up to take me to get lunch for the cast at HM. We got to where we were going, and the lady to help us rushed outside and yelled, "she's here at the same time you are!" we walked over the a white SUV and turns out, there was a woman in it that DOES look JUST like my mama! It's insane! We were all in shock. They'd heard about eachother in so many places and we finally met her. It was so cool. They say you have a twin somewhere. Today we met my moms! And she's so pretty like my mom. I wonder where mine is! :)
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Thursday, February 25, 2010
Hello everyone. I am in a glorious mood! I was making plans for tonight, after the hm set and the studio, and got invited to go dancing, and clubbing, and out with a bunch of friends that were doing that. I said no, and made plans for my boyfriend and myself to hang out at the house, lay around in sweats, eat pizza, play games, watch tv and movies. Just hang out. My knight in shining armor! The shiney armor being pajamas and pizza stains. Duh! He was so happy about it, and that made me smile. Girls if yall can't hang out with your boyfriend in sweats and no make-up, he isn't good enough for u! And if your looking for a serious relationship. TRY IT. If he doesn't say u are most beautiful without make-up (which u ARE) then it shouldn't work for u! Don't settle for anything less than the best! I hope u are all having a blessed day.
God bless, I love yall! Xo
God bless, I love yall! Xo
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Saturday, February 20, 2010
I hate being sick yall. It's been kinda stormy here, and somehow in the mixture I caught a cold. In bed, bright red nose, sneezing, coughing, sniffles, groaning, poutiness, THE WORKS. My mommy made me hot chocolate and it tastes like dirt. Moral of the story is: I hate being sick! Pray for me xoxox
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Thursday, February 18, 2010
Laying out by the pool it's 10pm and it's so peaceful, no lights except for the pool lights under water, tiki torches and the moonlight, and of course that annoying LA light that always seems to be there even if it's not. Drinking juice from a cup with a lil umbrella in it :) it is so cute. I am really missing Franklin tonight. I love u all xo
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Hey guys! Life is so good. I hope it is going amazing for you all as well, today has been very relaxing. I woke up at about 9am and sat around in my pajamas drinking coffee, I laid in a hammock for about an hour with my boyfriend just talking, then I went to work. I went out for a really nice lunch with Mammie and came home early. Took a nap and watched some movies. I've been laying around all day. It's been a blessing. God bless!
I love u xoxo
I love u xoxo
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Wednesday, February 17, 2010
It's only 4:30pm and I am having to leave work to go get food because I have been really bad about it. Yesterday I didn't eat because I was too busy and forgot to. Then today I didn't eat until I was stone white and my daddy made me eat week old potatoes from KFC!! It was disgusting. But I am thankful he had it because I soon figured out I had been starving. I haven't eaten since and am already getting the shakes! So I am sitting waiting on my food because I am really hungry. Lesson of the day: EAT! no matter what the reason you haven't been... EAT!!!!!!
Your beautiful! Xox
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Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Hey guys! My day has been amazing! Started with a meeting between me and my manager and some awesome people who gave me some rad news about a few things. We got the release date for HM4 to start, got the date I'm starting to work on mixing my fragrance! Yes, I am going to make a "Miley scent"! I am working with such an inspiring woman on it. It won't be a line, just one fragrance and that's it. Super excited for that! I got some news for The Last Song world premiers, and we got a range of dates to choose from for the record! So we got our calenders made up and all I can say is BE READY cause it's all gonna happen fast! I'm stuck in traffic right now. Dang LA drivers! And pray for my puppy Rodeo (AKA "Roadie") he has been coughing a lot. Today has been so great!
God bless you guys!
Xox. MC<3
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Sunday, February 14, 2010
I told everyone in a mileyworld blog, and wanted to say it again - I haven't given up hybrids! Yesterday I picked up my new suv, it's so cute and has more space. I needed more space. Not just because Mate is getting bigger but also because having a tiny car in LA is just scary! I love my new car. It is hybrid, super safe, a beautiful color, perfect size, it's rad! Mercedes released a new hybrid suv and that's what I have. I really recommend it, I love it! I hope everyone is having such an awesome Valentines Day! What am I doing? Working. Duh. I'm so boring. But it's making music for you guys and I love that and making yall happy. Have a blessed day! =)
Be safe on the road, especially the ones I am driving, hehe. Xox.
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Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Before you read any further - I forgot to put this in my last post. I had it in a 'sticky note' on my desktop too, I knew to write it, I didn't "forget", I was being talked too and I clicked 'post' before I typed about it. But there is a blog before this I typed at the same time. So, go read that one too!
"Who I Am" sold over 80,000 copies!!!! I am so excited for Nicky, I know he has put his heart and soul into this, and he loves this music, HIS music. I've been listening to the record nonstop because it is just that beautiful. That is him speaking, with music. He has always been so musically active. Music before almost anything. I believe there is music in his blood. Trust me, if you guys saw a lot of his baby videos and stuff, he always had an instrument. Or had some kind of music playing. He's just a musical person. More than anyone I've ever met. You take this legends... or these people that LOVE music, that LIVE for music, for the music in the WORLD, and Nick doubles that in his love, passion, and life in music. He doubles anyone you could ever imagine loving music more than anything. And he deserves everything and MORE that he is getting now. So let's continue to spread the word about Nick Jonas & the Administration. Buy their songs on iTunes, tell everyone to do it, buy their record, buy everything. When the posters start getting made - GET THOSE. When the DVD's start releasing - GET THOSE. Buy like 902438509345 copies of the record, you get the point. This will be LEGEND of our future! When we're older, talking to our grand kids, they'll ask us if we can get them an old Nick Jonas & The Administration record, the FIRST ONE, and it'll be SO sold out, and people will be buying SO MANY, some of us won't have them if we haven't gotten them already. So do it for your GREAT GREAT GREAT GRANDKIDS!!! Do it for your CHILDREN, that you'll have like 20 years from now! GO. GET. THE. RECORD.
It's WORTH IT. It honestly is, it's beautiful, and loving, and inspirational, and meaningful, and TRUTH, and everything you WANT in music. And then the fact that the person who made it, who created it, who DREAMED about it, LIVES for music like NIck does is just a bonus! You can tell how much he loves music THROUGH the music. So do it for the LOVE OF MUSIC. Because apparently MUSIC LOVES HIM or he wouldn't have as much AMAZING talent as he does! And hello, he's hot too. Big bonus ladies! ;) got an amazing boyfriend who isn't all that great looking? Da da da da! Yay! Now you have a hot guy on your iTunes and your boyfriend will never know how truly offended he should be!!! =]
So everyone keep buying! It's amazing, and I LOVE the record and so does EVERYONE I know.
Have YOU bought NICK JONAS & THE ADMINISTRATION'S first album yet?!
Do it for our FUTURE. Our ENVIROMENT. Because our enviroment is better with people who participate. They participate if they're happy. They're HAPPY because of Nick Jonas & The Administration. So guys, get the record for your parents, your grandparents, your siblings, your children, your friends, your neighbors, your local shoppers at whatever convinient store you may be in in the naer future, your co-workers, your fellow peers at school, your waitors and/or those who take orders at fast food places, buy them for your pets. It'd be better than the snuggie for pets.
GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yayyyy Nicky!!!
"Who I Am" sold over 80,000 copies!!!! I am so excited for Nicky, I know he has put his heart and soul into this, and he loves this music, HIS music. I've been listening to the record nonstop because it is just that beautiful. That is him speaking, with music. He has always been so musically active. Music before almost anything. I believe there is music in his blood. Trust me, if you guys saw a lot of his baby videos and stuff, he always had an instrument. Or had some kind of music playing. He's just a musical person. More than anyone I've ever met. You take this legends... or these people that LOVE music, that LIVE for music, for the music in the WORLD, and Nick doubles that in his love, passion, and life in music. He doubles anyone you could ever imagine loving music more than anything. And he deserves everything and MORE that he is getting now. So let's continue to spread the word about Nick Jonas & the Administration. Buy their songs on iTunes, tell everyone to do it, buy their record, buy everything. When the posters start getting made - GET THOSE. When the DVD's start releasing - GET THOSE. Buy like 902438509345 copies of the record, you get the point. This will be LEGEND of our future! When we're older, talking to our grand kids, they'll ask us if we can get them an old Nick Jonas & The Administration record, the FIRST ONE, and it'll be SO sold out, and people will be buying SO MANY, some of us won't have them if we haven't gotten them already. So do it for your GREAT GREAT GREAT GRANDKIDS!!! Do it for your CHILDREN, that you'll have like 20 years from now! GO. GET. THE. RECORD.
It's WORTH IT. It honestly is, it's beautiful, and loving, and inspirational, and meaningful, and TRUTH, and everything you WANT in music. And then the fact that the person who made it, who created it, who DREAMED about it, LIVES for music like NIck does is just a bonus! You can tell how much he loves music THROUGH the music. So do it for the LOVE OF MUSIC. Because apparently MUSIC LOVES HIM or he wouldn't have as much AMAZING talent as he does! And hello, he's hot too. Big bonus ladies! ;) got an amazing boyfriend who isn't all that great looking? Da da da da! Yay! Now you have a hot guy on your iTunes and your boyfriend will never know how truly offended he should be!!! =]
So everyone keep buying! It's amazing, and I LOVE the record and so does EVERYONE I know.
Have YOU bought NICK JONAS & THE ADMINISTRATION'S first album yet?!
Do it for our FUTURE. Our ENVIROMENT. Because our enviroment is better with people who participate. They participate if they're happy. They're HAPPY because of Nick Jonas & The Administration. So guys, get the record for your parents, your grandparents, your siblings, your children, your friends, your neighbors, your local shoppers at whatever convinient store you may be in in the naer future, your co-workers, your fellow peers at school, your waitors and/or those who take orders at fast food places, buy them for your pets. It'd be better than the snuggie for pets.
GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yayyyy Nicky!!!
About my break, and about my happiness.
So my break has been amazing, and yes, it is still going on. I've enjoyed it so much. Enjoying life, enjoying the people I'm with, enjoying what I've been doing. Life has been so great. I just wanted to let everyone know that. And if there has been anyone that has helped me throughout this break, considering that YES it is hard to stay away from updating you guys - especially with the LAME rumors that go around everyday, is Nick! He's been so great. He deleted some things to stop looking at online things this week too, and we've been visiting a lot and we've talked about it a few times but it's just not a huge thing anymore. Everyone is just so happy with life right now and I am so happy about it. Maybe it's the time of year! But it is just so amazing, and I am so happy, and I hope everyone else is as well!
I was always kinda worried about what I said on the internet because there is a level of personal space I want to keep to myself. And I'd keep running my mouth about that place I had for myself! But that won't happen anymore. This time has made me realize what is important in life. And I hope some of ya'll realize it too VERY. SOON. =]
I haven't been so happy in a long time, and I am just so happy and loving my life. But I just wanted to update you guys, remind you that I am doing well, I am very happy, and that I will continue this break because it is healthy, I am happy not having so much controversy. I say something and people continue to try and pick it apart. Everyone does it, and that's okay. I am the one who feeds the info to judge. And I am stopping that. that is what I'm doing now, is learning to do that. Not only for me, but for you guys too. Because I hate that some sit around and base a lot of their time waiting on me to say something so they can ponder on that all day. And no, I am not feeding my ego or trying to sound bigger than I am, I have been told through twitter that that is what people do, and I have seen some very sad cases of people who live for that. And guys, it isn't a good thing. At least be productive. But I love you, and I don't mean to stop loving me, because I love you too much to lose ya! <3
About the Super Bowl - I'm not a HUGE sports fan, but I love the Giants. They are my favorite team, I watch their games. I love them. As for anyone else, no offense to ANYBODY, I'm just not a sports person. But it was a very moving day for me, had a lot go on that day, had some moments that were amazing, and experiences that I'll never forget. And of course The Saints won. My mom was really angry because she was all for the Colts, and so is my dad so he was too. But my boyfriend was going for The Saints, and HE bought the pizza, so I was like "I'll pay you back by voting with you!" so YAYYY!! And "The Who" was INCREDIBLE. Anyway! Good job on the superbowl, it was pretttyyyy cool. =]
I don't really know what else to do with thsi blog, I just wanted to say that life is GOOD guys. LIFE. IS. GOOD. I can't stop smiling, I haven't for days, it's been amazing. Love is amazing.
I don't know what else to say because life is too good, and talking about it would just make it something that wasn't as special as it is. So I'm very happy with my personal life, and I'm getting dates to go out of the country and see some of ya'll soon. Hannah is doing amazing, the new record is rockin', ya'll will LOVE IT. It's sounding SO great. My little brother got a new dog too!!!!!!!! Which is amazing, he got it from an abused animal clinic and it's just the CUTEST little shakey dog ever. Anyway.
I was watching tv just now, and I am talking to somebody so I can't really focus. Basically, the break will continue, I am enjoying it and I hope you all are enjoying me SHUTTING UP FOR ONCE too! =] Ha! Life is good. Life is soo sooooooo SOOOOO good!
I love you all so much! You're so amazing and thank you for everything, and putting up with me. I know I've been so mixed up in the past, but I am finally on the ground. I am happy, stable, and ready to take the world by storm! I can't wait to make everyone go crazy! Bad crazy, good crazy, it's still crazy! There won't be a person on this earth that doesn't know my name when I'm done!=] I'm determined.
I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!! Xoxoxo,
P.S. I'm still addicted to the same colored eyes I always have been. It won't ever change.
I was always kinda worried about what I said on the internet because there is a level of personal space I want to keep to myself. And I'd keep running my mouth about that place I had for myself! But that won't happen anymore. This time has made me realize what is important in life. And I hope some of ya'll realize it too VERY. SOON. =]
I haven't been so happy in a long time, and I am just so happy and loving my life. But I just wanted to update you guys, remind you that I am doing well, I am very happy, and that I will continue this break because it is healthy, I am happy not having so much controversy. I say something and people continue to try and pick it apart. Everyone does it, and that's okay. I am the one who feeds the info to judge. And I am stopping that. that is what I'm doing now, is learning to do that. Not only for me, but for you guys too. Because I hate that some sit around and base a lot of their time waiting on me to say something so they can ponder on that all day. And no, I am not feeding my ego or trying to sound bigger than I am, I have been told through twitter that that is what people do, and I have seen some very sad cases of people who live for that. And guys, it isn't a good thing. At least be productive. But I love you, and I don't mean to stop loving me, because I love you too much to lose ya! <3
About the Super Bowl - I'm not a HUGE sports fan, but I love the Giants. They are my favorite team, I watch their games. I love them. As for anyone else, no offense to ANYBODY, I'm just not a sports person. But it was a very moving day for me, had a lot go on that day, had some moments that were amazing, and experiences that I'll never forget. And of course The Saints won. My mom was really angry because she was all for the Colts, and so is my dad so he was too. But my boyfriend was going for The Saints, and HE bought the pizza, so I was like "I'll pay you back by voting with you!" so YAYYY!! And "The Who" was INCREDIBLE. Anyway! Good job on the superbowl, it was pretttyyyy cool. =]
I don't really know what else to do with thsi blog, I just wanted to say that life is GOOD guys. LIFE. IS. GOOD. I can't stop smiling, I haven't for days, it's been amazing. Love is amazing.
I don't know what else to say because life is too good, and talking about it would just make it something that wasn't as special as it is. So I'm very happy with my personal life, and I'm getting dates to go out of the country and see some of ya'll soon. Hannah is doing amazing, the new record is rockin', ya'll will LOVE IT. It's sounding SO great. My little brother got a new dog too!!!!!!!! Which is amazing, he got it from an abused animal clinic and it's just the CUTEST little shakey dog ever. Anyway.
I was watching tv just now, and I am talking to somebody so I can't really focus. Basically, the break will continue, I am enjoying it and I hope you all are enjoying me SHUTTING UP FOR ONCE too! =] Ha! Life is good. Life is soo sooooooo SOOOOO good!
I love you all so much! You're so amazing and thank you for everything, and putting up with me. I know I've been so mixed up in the past, but I am finally on the ground. I am happy, stable, and ready to take the world by storm! I can't wait to make everyone go crazy! Bad crazy, good crazy, it's still crazy! There won't be a person on this earth that doesn't know my name when I'm done!=] I'm determined.
I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!! Xoxoxo,
P.S. I'm still addicted to the same colored eyes I always have been. It won't ever change.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Hey guys, having a rad day on set today! It's "on location" woohoooo! We've been on location for a few days, shooting some horse riding scenes with Emily, AKA "horse riding barbie"! I went to dinner last night with my two besties, Demi and Liam! We had a great time. One of the best dinners I've had this year so far! :) it's been a great time, I got to bond so much with them, it was lovely. Sadly, photographers did find us, and they did follow us. We were ok though, we still enjoyed it! It's awesome, spending time with my best friend and my boyfriend. We are hoping to do that so much more often! We understand eachother, we don't backstab eachother, and it's so easy to get hurt. But we are so close that we go to eachother for everything. It's nice knowing you have those people to go to. And Demi and Liam are super close too, which is the best feeling in the world to me! It is the best feeling in the entire world. I am so happy with life! I hope you are too! smile, because you're beautiful xo :) :)
God bless,
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God bless,
Sent via Blackberry by AT&T
Thursday, January 28, 2010
I was shocked.... NOT!!!
I've said before how I find it so sad that people use names for publicity. Somehow, someway, people always seem to do it now-a-days. I try to overlook things but at the end of the day I am still a 17 year old girl. I still have insecurities, I still have a mirror. And I will always find imperfections, because I am imperfect. I am not perfect, and I don't aim to be perfect either. Sometime recently, Rihanna, who is absolutely amazing and so respected, and so brave and so strong, released a statement saying, "Miley Cyrus is a guilty pleasure. I have two songs I love. The Climb is automatic, and Party In The USA always makes you want to celebrate!" THANK YOU RIHANNA! That is such a compliment, and especially from such a respected and talented artist. It will always be a compliment when anyone says anything supportive, but it was still very sweet that she'd say that.
Not even a few days later, Chris Brown was on a radio show and randomly decided to tell everyone, "Miley Cyrus is not attractive! She's ugly." okay? Well, first of all, this man has beat up a woman, he's done so much - and honestly I can't stand his music. But that is just my thing, I don't like pop/rap. (I don't know if he's pop or rap, but I know he's one of them!) and so it was really very confusing to me while all of that is going on, he's gonna focus on a 17 year olds physical appearance? Real cool, Chris. Your deff. getting a LOT of respect this year, too!! Not only is there physical but emotional abuse, too. I can't say 'no offense' because it is WRONG what he did to her and I will always say that! But I am still a kid, just like Jamie Foxx going live and saying that I had big gums, and all that other stuff. I LOVE myself. Why do all of these rapper, old dudes wanna come wreck on my physical appearance? Why do they gain anything from that? Either way, I'm leaning on the support of my family, friends, and my fans of course. Because you guys get me through everything! I am not losing my confidence! They aren't worth it. I'm not being offended by a woman beater, or someone who can't find a song to sing other than, "a-a-a-a-a-a-alchohol".... They trash their own reps enough, I don't gotta help em!!! But thank you all who have written me. It is a little hard when someone says that stuff, because I am a kid, transitioning, growing, changing, and I am human. God made me this way, and they aren't happy with how I was created. and that's disgusting. I didn't ask for their opinion on my looks. So yes, it does hurt. But I will be fine, they aren't worth that! Thank you guys, and I love you all so much!!
Love always,
Not even a few days later, Chris Brown was on a radio show and randomly decided to tell everyone, "Miley Cyrus is not attractive! She's ugly." okay? Well, first of all, this man has beat up a woman, he's done so much - and honestly I can't stand his music. But that is just my thing, I don't like pop/rap. (I don't know if he's pop or rap, but I know he's one of them!) and so it was really very confusing to me while all of that is going on, he's gonna focus on a 17 year olds physical appearance? Real cool, Chris. Your deff. getting a LOT of respect this year, too!! Not only is there physical but emotional abuse, too. I can't say 'no offense' because it is WRONG what he did to her and I will always say that! But I am still a kid, just like Jamie Foxx going live and saying that I had big gums, and all that other stuff. I LOVE myself. Why do all of these rapper, old dudes wanna come wreck on my physical appearance? Why do they gain anything from that? Either way, I'm leaning on the support of my family, friends, and my fans of course. Because you guys get me through everything! I am not losing my confidence! They aren't worth it. I'm not being offended by a woman beater, or someone who can't find a song to sing other than, "a-a-a-a-a-a-alchohol".... They trash their own reps enough, I don't gotta help em!!! But thank you all who have written me. It is a little hard when someone says that stuff, because I am a kid, transitioning, growing, changing, and I am human. God made me this way, and they aren't happy with how I was created. and that's disgusting. I didn't ask for their opinion on my looks. So yes, it does hurt. But I will be fine, they aren't worth that! Thank you guys, and I love you all so much!!
Love always,
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
YIPEE! Today was successful! I had some press to do, and I went to a meeting about Simon Cowells Haiti Mercy Project! It is such an extraordinary cause! And yes, THE Simon Cowell was there. And YES, he really is that straightforward in person. But I'm also very direct and straightforward so we actually get along pretty good. I am so blessed and happy to be a part of this cause! We're doing a lot of work. As soon as I was home I took a walk with my dad and our puppies. Tex, Fluke and Mate! Photographers found us and that was lame but we still enjoyed it. I have been spending so much time with my papa recently, the last few days and it's been such a relief! Connecting and talking SO much! I have such an honest relationship with my family and I am so blessed for that. Doing some majjjaaa studio work for the new record too! It is sounding SO sick!! I can't wait to share it with everyone! I am so amazed to be working with such glorious people, this will be the best one yet! I am now @ dinner with some amazing people, and I am getting my food! FINALLY! I love you all, and remember to keep texting "Haiti" to 90999! They STILL need help! I also know you will all love the new charity single! We (myself and many other rad artists) will be covering "everybody hurts"! :) I can't wait! AHHHHH! I love you all, God bless you, and keep smiling!! Xoxoxo.
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Sent via Blackberry by AT&T
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Hey boy... don't you wish you could've been a good boy?
You know, I have never been one to understand how people use people so easily and fling them aside like the piece of meat they were used for. Of course, the people I attract seem to understand that wonderfully. Or at least one person. This one person decided to go to a news station this week apparently, and speak about a relationship we had, and lied about so much stuff. Of course, some of it was true, but the part that really makes me pity them, is that they did it for attention.
It really makes me sad, that a year later, after this "relationship" he decided to come and speak out and play "heart broken". I wanted to make it clear that before this, before any of anything, I've made many attempts to sit down with this person and talk through things. Not to get back together, because I'm very happy with my relationship status as it is, and the people involved in it. But just to go through things, and heal any old wounds that may have been caused. There is no break up without someone hurting. Even if you completely care NOTHING about the person, you will always have some level of hurt from it. So I tried so many times to get with him and sit down and talk things out because I've been happy enough that I have respect for myself enough to do that. Apparently, his maturity is shorter than his hair.
We sat down, and he was happy with someone else, and I was completely happy with someone else as well. I've been happy for like 3/4ths of a year now. No matter, who I was with, single or not, I was just happy. Of course then, he had nothing against me whatsoever. Then again, there wasn't a news crew there while we talked. When I go into a relationship, I am 110% commited. and of course, that might not be the best thing, I probably get hurt for that reason, but I am. I do that, and I don't believe in just going in half way. That's stupid to me. Well, everyone was right. This person went into it, knowing he'd get a song, and attention from it. And that's also very sad. No I am not saying this just from being angry about what he said, but I know first hand that this is what happened. That's why a lot of what happened, happened. And he successfully acheived it. And now, he is acheiving a bunch of press, and news, and attention because of what he said about me earlier this week and is now published about me. The ONLY THING YOU SHOULD BELIEVE, OF WHAT THIS BOY HAS RELEASED, is that in his video, he walked past a barber shop, shook his head, and kept walking. I begged him to cut his hair several, no, more than several times. It was gross. I have long hair, but I WASH MINE. When he ran his fingers through mine, he didn't pull out a family of 7's grease from a breakfast of ONLY BACON. It was nasty.
Anywho, it is very sad to me that he released this, long after he was "over it", long after it HAPPENED, right when his single came out... This entire thing is for a few extra itunes sales. My fans rock. My fans are the absolute best supporters in the world. And it's going to be a big shock to him when all he gets from his publicity pertaining to ME, is a bunch of unsupportive fans of mine on his back for trying to use me from the BEGINNING to the END. I am NOT a sales advertisement for his lame songs. And I refuse to be looked at as one. It's so sad that while I'm living my life, having a great time, living, learning, he's doing everything he can for attention. I would hate to think that I made it where I am by using people, or stepping on people, or breaking peoples hearts. That is sad. I have been heart broken before, and I would never want to make someone else feel that. And trust me when I say, he DIDN'T FEEL THAT.
I don't know what else to say honestly, it's pathetic in all sense of the word, that he has come to these lengths to try and sell a few songs, or get a few followers on twitter. It's disguisting to know that I have had such a close bond in the past with a liar, someone who used me the entire time, and someone who will use everyting against me. It is also sad to know that some people will fall into this game and support him through his horrible words, and lies. But I know that my supports, MY fans, and the people I continue to make music for, that support me no matter what, will give him the same finger I'm giving him for all of these stupid mistakes he's making.
Yes, Justin. When you said "in time, you look back and laugh." you were right. Me and my new boyfriend, the one that doesn't use me, or try and scrape some publicity and tabloid-attention from me, the one who can make me smile and comfort me WHENEVER, not just when it's a good time for him, the one that has been there and has never let me down, the one htat when I look at him I KNOW he isn't the same, the one that sat me down and told me what a loser you were for ever ATTEMPTING to believe you DESERVED me, yeah. Me and him? WE'RE laughing too. TRUST me, sweetie. We are LAAUUUGGGHHIIINNNGGGG. The only reason that I'm not "HA HA HA HA HA"ing all over this blog is because I don't want ANY of MY supporters misunderstanding and thinking that I'd be that cold of a person to do what YOU did to ME. So you can take your nasty hair, your stupid lies, your lame songs, your pathetic attempt at publicity, your tight jeans, your painted finger nails, your cold, dead, emotionless heart, and walk out of my life, and stop using my name in your STUPID tabloid whore-ing articles. And FYI, I'm doing GREAT. I hope you're doing AMAZING too! God bless you.
And God bless you all who have read this blog, and those who agree/disagree with me. I love you guys, you're the best support system in the world. I LOVEEE YOU!!!
Sincerely HIS, STILL laughing, WAY happier, FINALLY with a good guy,
xoxo. =]
"Hey boy, don't you wish you could've been a good boy? Try to find another girl like me, boy. Feel me when I tell ya, I'm fine, and it's time for me to draw the line."
It really makes me sad, that a year later, after this "relationship" he decided to come and speak out and play "heart broken". I wanted to make it clear that before this, before any of anything, I've made many attempts to sit down with this person and talk through things. Not to get back together, because I'm very happy with my relationship status as it is, and the people involved in it. But just to go through things, and heal any old wounds that may have been caused. There is no break up without someone hurting. Even if you completely care NOTHING about the person, you will always have some level of hurt from it. So I tried so many times to get with him and sit down and talk things out because I've been happy enough that I have respect for myself enough to do that. Apparently, his maturity is shorter than his hair.
We sat down, and he was happy with someone else, and I was completely happy with someone else as well. I've been happy for like 3/4ths of a year now. No matter, who I was with, single or not, I was just happy. Of course then, he had nothing against me whatsoever. Then again, there wasn't a news crew there while we talked. When I go into a relationship, I am 110% commited. and of course, that might not be the best thing, I probably get hurt for that reason, but I am. I do that, and I don't believe in just going in half way. That's stupid to me. Well, everyone was right. This person went into it, knowing he'd get a song, and attention from it. And that's also very sad. No I am not saying this just from being angry about what he said, but I know first hand that this is what happened. That's why a lot of what happened, happened. And he successfully acheived it. And now, he is acheiving a bunch of press, and news, and attention because of what he said about me earlier this week and is now published about me. The ONLY THING YOU SHOULD BELIEVE, OF WHAT THIS BOY HAS RELEASED, is that in his video, he walked past a barber shop, shook his head, and kept walking. I begged him to cut his hair several, no, more than several times. It was gross. I have long hair, but I WASH MINE. When he ran his fingers through mine, he didn't pull out a family of 7's grease from a breakfast of ONLY BACON. It was nasty.
Anywho, it is very sad to me that he released this, long after he was "over it", long after it HAPPENED, right when his single came out... This entire thing is for a few extra itunes sales. My fans rock. My fans are the absolute best supporters in the world. And it's going to be a big shock to him when all he gets from his publicity pertaining to ME, is a bunch of unsupportive fans of mine on his back for trying to use me from the BEGINNING to the END. I am NOT a sales advertisement for his lame songs. And I refuse to be looked at as one. It's so sad that while I'm living my life, having a great time, living, learning, he's doing everything he can for attention. I would hate to think that I made it where I am by using people, or stepping on people, or breaking peoples hearts. That is sad. I have been heart broken before, and I would never want to make someone else feel that. And trust me when I say, he DIDN'T FEEL THAT.
I don't know what else to say honestly, it's pathetic in all sense of the word, that he has come to these lengths to try and sell a few songs, or get a few followers on twitter. It's disguisting to know that I have had such a close bond in the past with a liar, someone who used me the entire time, and someone who will use everyting against me. It is also sad to know that some people will fall into this game and support him through his horrible words, and lies. But I know that my supports, MY fans, and the people I continue to make music for, that support me no matter what, will give him the same finger I'm giving him for all of these stupid mistakes he's making.
Yes, Justin. When you said "in time, you look back and laugh." you were right. Me and my new boyfriend, the one that doesn't use me, or try and scrape some publicity and tabloid-attention from me, the one who can make me smile and comfort me WHENEVER, not just when it's a good time for him, the one that has been there and has never let me down, the one htat when I look at him I KNOW he isn't the same, the one that sat me down and told me what a loser you were for ever ATTEMPTING to believe you DESERVED me, yeah. Me and him? WE'RE laughing too. TRUST me, sweetie. We are LAAUUUGGGHHIIINNNGGGG. The only reason that I'm not "HA HA HA HA HA"ing all over this blog is because I don't want ANY of MY supporters misunderstanding and thinking that I'd be that cold of a person to do what YOU did to ME. So you can take your nasty hair, your stupid lies, your lame songs, your pathetic attempt at publicity, your tight jeans, your painted finger nails, your cold, dead, emotionless heart, and walk out of my life, and stop using my name in your STUPID tabloid whore-ing articles. And FYI, I'm doing GREAT. I hope you're doing AMAZING too! God bless you.
And God bless you all who have read this blog, and those who agree/disagree with me. I love you guys, you're the best support system in the world. I LOVEEE YOU!!!
Sincerely HIS, STILL laughing, WAY happier, FINALLY with a good guy,
xoxo. =]
"Hey boy, don't you wish you could've been a good boy? Try to find another girl like me, boy. Feel me when I tell ya, I'm fine, and it's time for me to draw the line."
Friday, January 22, 2010
Before the actual reason for this blog, I wanted to kinda give you guys a prayer request. So please pray. this morning, I woke up, and everyone was sleeping. I got up early ( go me, go me) and apparently, last night Braison let my cat OUTSIDE. Why he did that is beyond me but he did. And she hasn't come home yet, and it was storming I think and it was cold, and so I don't know where she is. It's kinda sunny today but it was cold early this morning and I went out in a tank, and shorts and stood outside calling my cat for like 20 minutes. So I'll probably be sick AGAIN, but she hasn't come home yet. So please pray for my kitty, because I miss her and I want her home and all that good stuff. I told myself that she'd be back by work time but she wasn't, I have my brother staying home and stuff to make sure if she comes back to let her inside. So please pray for my cat Circles to make it home safetly and soon. Hopefully in my next blog I'll be talking about how she came home!
TWLOHA ( AKA To Write Love On Her Arms) is a non-profit movement, dedicated to presenting HOPE and FINDING HELP for those struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury & suicide. These problems are so evident and growing these days, and this movement is to help, and inspire those who are victim to it. All you have to do is make a vote, click a button & this movement will win ONE MILLION DOLLARS which will go toward a live online crisis network. It is such a wonderful cause, and we can all help those victim and those who are falling into this tradgety. We've all felt those emotions, and maybe some of the readers of this blog ARE victim. But you CAN HAVE HELP, there IS hope, and this movement is dedicated to finding that and bringing it out in YOU and in OTHERS THAT NEED IT. I've asked my viewers on youtube, and the viewers of youtube.com/TWLOHA to please vote for them & make them WIN. It's a beautiful cause and we need to help. We can help fight suicide, addictions, depression, and much more. Having a live online crisis network will give the victims a place to go, anytime, to talk and get it out and not pay the consequences of bottling it up. It's VERY simple, all you have to do IS....
- go to TWLOHA.COM
- there is a BIG header at the top of the page that says "click here to vote"
- go and tell your parents, children, siblings, friends, teachers, peers, workers, co-workers, ect about this amazing foundation and how easy it is to vote.
Thank you very much, please keep spreading the word.
And follow them on twitter!
TWLOHA ( AKA To Write Love On Her Arms) is a non-profit movement, dedicated to presenting HOPE and FINDING HELP for those struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury & suicide. These problems are so evident and growing these days, and this movement is to help, and inspire those who are victim to it. All you have to do is make a vote, click a button & this movement will win ONE MILLION DOLLARS which will go toward a live online crisis network. It is such a wonderful cause, and we can all help those victim and those who are falling into this tradgety. We've all felt those emotions, and maybe some of the readers of this blog ARE victim. But you CAN HAVE HELP, there IS hope, and this movement is dedicated to finding that and bringing it out in YOU and in OTHERS THAT NEED IT. I've asked my viewers on youtube, and the viewers of youtube.com/TWLOHA to please vote for them & make them WIN. It's a beautiful cause and we need to help. We can help fight suicide, addictions, depression, and much more. Having a live online crisis network will give the victims a place to go, anytime, to talk and get it out and not pay the consequences of bottling it up. It's VERY simple, all you have to do IS....
- go to TWLOHA.COM
- there is a BIG header at the top of the page that says "click here to vote"
- go and tell your parents, children, siblings, friends, teachers, peers, workers, co-workers, ect about this amazing foundation and how easy it is to vote.
Thank you very much, please keep spreading the word.
And follow them on twitter!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Ok yaaayyyyyy, I am back on the set of Hannah Montana! I am so excited to be back. So happy to be with my friends and family here. It's so wonderful. Currently, I am in my dressing room, cuddled up with my mama and my puppy. I am still so sick it isn't funny. I cried this morning begging mom to give me anything to stop it. I have nonstop puked since last night (total TMI I know) either way I am SO sick.. My fever is like 103.3? Which isn't good. I have a doctors appt later today. Hopefully I can figure out what is wrong! This is so old! Blah. I am just severely sick. Suckish way to start a new season! But I know it'll rock anyway! I love you guys, thank you for your prayers xo
Monday, January 18, 2010
Update: SO SICK!!! I went out today because I thought fresh air would do me good.. NO! Plus photographers! Ugh. Anyway, as I type this I am literally crying waiting on mom to bring me medicine cause I am so sick. I missed the Golden Globes because of it! Anyway, I haven't really moved much before today, everything hurts, I'm sick, puking, ect. I feel terrible. No I don't hve it the worst on the planet, I know, but I know I HATE this feeling. I am so so so sick... Please pray for me. Thank you.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
I wanted to ask you all very seriously to PLEASE pray. I am laying in bed right now at 5am. I am extremely tired but cannot sleep because I am SO sick. I am beyond sick. I am crippled for a bit. My throat is absolutely HORRID! On a scale of 1-10 in pain, it's a 100! I have a HORRIBLE migrane. No, not a headache, a migrane. Where the light hurts, any sounds, even specific movements. I am so naucious to the point of tears. I haven't felt this sick in a while. I felt this way yesterday and made the mistake of going out anyway. Of course... Paparazzi. Today I will probably yet again, go out with a smile trying to make them leave me alone. I can't be too afraid to leave my house. I am for sure going to see a friend later this morning, so I'll be out. I hope they don't find me! Correction: I'll be out if I feel 100X better than THIS. My body literally hasn't felt this sick as long as I can remember. I am very tempted to make an ER visit. That is how bad this is. So I ask again, please pray for me, and my body, as I am for you and yours. Thank you. I love you all, you're all so beautiful xo.
Yours in SICKNESS and in (hopefully soon!) HEALTH,
Yours in SICKNESS and in (hopefully soon!) HEALTH,
Friday, January 15, 2010
I want to make this short and sweet. Go to your parents, or if you are a parent, talk to your kids about the earthquake in Haiti. Please make sure you are all completely aware of how severe and devastating of a situation this is. Just by TEXTING! A simple text, you can donate 10$ to help so many people. They are without water, food, clothing, shelter. Just a few cents could give water to 13 people. How much would 10 dollars be?! This is an incredible opportunity to help thousands of people in need. They NEED you. They all need YOU and ME, I'm spreading the word and donating. I hope that you all are as well. Keep praying, keep spreading the word. Talk at school, work, wherever you go. Keep talking and make sure to keep telling people how one simple text message and the help of only 10$ WILL save lives. Thank you. Keep praying! We can beat this!
Praying for Haiti,
Miley xo
PS text "Haiti" to 90999. To save a life by donating 10$. Talk to your parents. Talk to your peers, children, ect. WE can make a difference!!! TEXT IT!!!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Reading my bible this morning before the day starts! I won't lie, it's been too long since I've even prayed. Remember guys, the LORD is patient for you. He deff has been for me, lately... A lot more than he should have been. We all have doubts. We all are tested. We don't pass every test! God bless you all xo
Had a wonderful night tonight with my friends Liam and his brother Chris and Scott! We all spent a lot of time together and it was great. We went to see Sherlock Holmes - UH-MAZING!!! Seriously go see that movie. It's such a thriller. That movie is so amazing. Anyway, went back to Liams apt w him and Scott, and we just chilled and had a really spectacular time. :) xoxoxo
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
So I am DEFF back in hollyweird. As we speak, I'm out in warm SUMMER air... In January! In a way I'm happy to be back. My friends haven't seen the changes I've made since Georgia. I can't wait to spend time with Manderz, and Demi and everyone. It'll be great. It's crazy seeing my house after what seems like so long! I haven't felt like this was home since June. So it's like a brand new house. I'm looking at clothes saying, "did I really wear that?" records saying, "did I really listen to that?" I feel like it's been years! Anyway, I'm really hungry so I'm gonna try and convince someone to go to sushi, in-n-out, Mickey D's or something with me! I have redecorating to do another day and that'll be fun! Love you all! Blessings!
Sent via Blackberry by AT&T
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Ok, so I was just informed that throughout my "vacation" paparazzi were following almost the entire time! We knew a few times, but it's sad to know they apparently hid and took pictures too. That is such a disugsting job. I just switched flights somewhere and am now on my last, quick flight to LA!!! :) pray for my flight, and I can't wait to get back to hollyweird, and see my friends. Can't wait! I love you all! You're so beautiful, God bless!! :) :)
Sent via Blackberry by AT&T
To my beautiful fans, I completely forgot to thank you all so much for getting me even nominated in the Peoples Choice Awards! My fans are the greatest, your so close to my heart and it's such an overwhelming feeling of support knowing yall have gotten me as far as I am. I fly off the handle sometimes, it's hard dealing with the rumors. But you all are always here for me, and you are the reason I am still here today! It's ALL FOR YOU! Thank you so much for the nomination not only of THIS award, but of previous awards won or lost. You all are the greatest and I am so thankful and thank God for you all every single day. You are so awesome! I can't wait for the PCA! :) thank you all so so much, I am so excited for what's coming up this year, and cannot wait to share it with you all. My truest fans. You're in my prayers! God bless you all, thank you for the nominations and so much more! I love you all so much!!
Sent via Blackberry by AT&T
I have some news but I have some venting to do too! I am so mad at some of these STUPID gossip sites. I haven't looked at gossip sites in days, since I've been on "vacation" I had like a week long vacation or whatever and it's been the BEST, I've LOVED it, it's been the best time of my entire life but people will not leave me alone! I was finally in a plaec that was so peaceful, so serene and so blissful. Who shows up?! Paparazzi! What is up with that?! I can't even live my life the way I want to because they're ALWAYS in my face.
For those saying, "she looks happier than ever!" THANK YOU. Because I am. But of course there have to be those ignorant little kids out there that freak out by what I'm wearing. "Why are there holes in her shirt? Why would anyone pay to have a ripped up shirt?!" if you haevn't noticed, I don't keep styles for long F.Y.I. I had the mini shorts and cowboy boots, literally every girl I saw after a couple weeks had that on. It's NICE being different, being your OWN person. Don't COPY ME? Maybe then I won't friggen change so much! I am 17 years old. READ IT. 17!! I am GONNA change. I've made it a life choice to reinvent myself when big things happen in my life. That's what I do. That's MY thing. The dark hair, whatever, I'm tired of people saying 'OH IT'S A BOY THING.' NO. It's a MILEY thing.
I have reinvented myself countless times over the last few years. Early 2007, medium brown hair, all black clothes, all black nails, I was always in black. Not cause I was depressed, cause I loved it. Mid-2007, a big thing happened in my life, I loved maternity shirts, shiny make-up, blonde streaks, and colored converse. I was a preppy happy little thing. Late 2007, red tight jeans, black over-boots, and black and white tops. It was edgy to me, and I loved it. Early 2008, black hair, heavy make-up, casual clothes. Mid 2008, bangs, natural make up, sun dresses and black and white converse. Late 2008, Messy hair, tank tops, ripped jeans, converse and big purses with no make-up. Early 2009, casual dressing, light brown hair, bright blonde streaks, bangs, smiley, ect. Mid 2009, dark hair, loose clothing, I started thinking more and observing more than talking. Late 2009, one shoulder tops, spandex pants, dark long hair, loose thin tops. And early 2010, dark reddish hair, RIPPED CLOTHES, and whatever the hell else I want because it's ME. I don't determine my style by OTHER people. Like some people apparently do. I love my style, I love making my own style, I love BEING my own style. People NEED to back off. I'm not saying this asking for a 'YOUR RIGHT MILEY' in the comments, I'm saying it to EVERYONE. I'm TIRED of it.
For those saying, "She's SO skinny now! she's scrawny, she looks weak!" I've been SICK. I don't react well to illness. I have a heart condition, and a diabetic condition, illness hits me and I'm DOWN. I don't look the same. I do lose a lot of weight, I DO get pale, I DO start feeling and looking weak. That's NO ONE'S business BUT my own. I LOVE my body. I love showing it off. And yes, my style lately HAS been more revealing, it's been more edgy, it's been more rocker and a little more torn and sexy. That's MY thing. I didn't ask for permission OR approval. I like it, I don't caer who does or not?
And F.Y.I. NO boyfriend tells me how to dress, how to act, what to do, or how to do it. For all those people "ASSUMING" that ANYONE tells me how to dress, or how to act - you are TRULY sad if you think you know me. My boyfriend is in NO way, shape, or form, "controlling", "power hungry", or a "fame whore". And anyone who thinks so really needs a hobby. I think I would know. I'm not STUPID, I'm 17, and I think clearer than I garuntee almost any other 17 year old. I'm not stupid, I don't need kids, adults, fans, haters, I don't need ANYONE trying to tell me HOW to live my life, or WHO to live it with. "Why would your parents let you go off for New Years Eve with your boyfriend?!" because I'm GROWING UP?! Becasue my parents are more understanding?! Because my parents WANT me to grow, and mature, and learn things on my OWN. Because I don't learn lessons from stories of peoples experiences I am hungry o know WHAT life is about, and THAT'S what I'm learning. I don't need ANYONE'S permission, and/or approval and/or opinion on it. I'm a changed girl. I am SORRY I'm not 13 anymore but I'm NOT. I am GONNA change, I am GONNA grow in my own way. I don't KNOW where I'll be this time next year! I might be a bleach blonde in red lipstick living in Mexico somewhere, I DON'T KNOW. I go by what my heart tells me. I don't have my life planned out, I wanna live, learn and experience on my own. My parents love me very much and that's MY family, not yours, don't worry about MINE. Because of how THEY taught me, I'm travelling to different countries, I've known love, I've known being IN LOVE, I am living my dream, performing all around the world, doing all kinds of things and YOUR bashing a 17 year old over a computer screen. Real freaking brave guys. Real courageous. Your SO cool for sitting around all day trying to tear down a kid. Whoo wee. I wish I could be that cool, but I'm a good person.
People take so much crap for granted. I can't even hold my boyfriends hand without a million cameras going off, andpeople freaking out all over the world and me getting in trouble for it. I get in trouble for being HAPPY because people WON'T leave me alone! It's not all happy rainbows kids. I get in trouble from agents, and from publicists and everything else for what I do. But I do it anyway because it's MY life, and when I look back 10 years from now, I'd regret not holding those moments close. Everyone takes something as simple as holding hands like 'oh whatever, it's cute.' no. It's PARADISE for me. because I don't GET to do that often! So why are you sitting around bashing me? Go live your LIFE.
Anyway, I'm done trynig to explain it. I'm happier than I have ever been, no matter who "my boyfriend" may be, no matter what's going on between us, no matter what anyone says, and no matter what hollywood tries to do to us. I am HAPPY. And I'm staying that way. I'm not letting people take advantage of that. The internet is SUCH a dangerous place. I also wanted to add in this 'rage blog' --- I AM NOT YOUR KIDS PARENT. I UNDERSTAND that a rolemodel is suppose to teach your kid or whatever, and I LOVE being a role model, but for REAL kids. The ones who WILL make mistakes, the ones who look at me and say "I've been through that." "I'm going through that." not the ones that are expected to grow up happy, never upset, never changed. It's GONNA HAPPEN FOLKS. Kids GROW UP. And I'm GROWING UP. You can't keep me from that so I can babysit your kids and try and raise them to be stick figures. That's done. I am MYSELF, I LOVE my fans, no matter how young, no matter how old. And I understand no matter what I do it's gonna affect some portion but I love them ALL with ALL of my heart. I wouldn't do ANY of this without those kids, and those adults and EVERYONE. I wouldn't be doing half of this. I can't keep going on - basically I am beyond thankful for everyone, each and every indivudual person that supports me, but that doesn't make me a parent or perfect. I'm growing up. And I'm loving it.
I'm sorry to thsoe who don't like the changes I've made, but I will continue changing. It's not becuase of a boy, or because I'm rebelling from my parents, it's because I am changing. And I want people to see me, and know who I am. I want to be my own person, live my own experiences, and love whoever I want to love, and believe whatever I want to believe. I am a human.
I love you all so much and God bless you.
R.I.P. my "vacation"... I've enjoyed every second of you, "mate". Living, loving, laughing. Being myself, and being treated like a normal person by some of the sweetest people in one of the sweetest places on earth. I cannot wait to visit again, and I cannot wait to show off my new self to hollywood, and show that no matter how corrupted a city and the people in it may be, I can shine, and I can be my true self, and I can be truly happy. And I can be different. I am excited for 2010. The Year Of No Fear. No kidding. I can't wait. =]
For those saying, "she looks happier than ever!" THANK YOU. Because I am. But of course there have to be those ignorant little kids out there that freak out by what I'm wearing. "Why are there holes in her shirt? Why would anyone pay to have a ripped up shirt?!" if you haevn't noticed, I don't keep styles for long F.Y.I. I had the mini shorts and cowboy boots, literally every girl I saw after a couple weeks had that on. It's NICE being different, being your OWN person. Don't COPY ME? Maybe then I won't friggen change so much! I am 17 years old. READ IT. 17!! I am GONNA change. I've made it a life choice to reinvent myself when big things happen in my life. That's what I do. That's MY thing. The dark hair, whatever, I'm tired of people saying 'OH IT'S A BOY THING.' NO. It's a MILEY thing.
I have reinvented myself countless times over the last few years. Early 2007, medium brown hair, all black clothes, all black nails, I was always in black. Not cause I was depressed, cause I loved it. Mid-2007, a big thing happened in my life, I loved maternity shirts, shiny make-up, blonde streaks, and colored converse. I was a preppy happy little thing. Late 2007, red tight jeans, black over-boots, and black and white tops. It was edgy to me, and I loved it. Early 2008, black hair, heavy make-up, casual clothes. Mid 2008, bangs, natural make up, sun dresses and black and white converse. Late 2008, Messy hair, tank tops, ripped jeans, converse and big purses with no make-up. Early 2009, casual dressing, light brown hair, bright blonde streaks, bangs, smiley, ect. Mid 2009, dark hair, loose clothing, I started thinking more and observing more than talking. Late 2009, one shoulder tops, spandex pants, dark long hair, loose thin tops. And early 2010, dark reddish hair, RIPPED CLOTHES, and whatever the hell else I want because it's ME. I don't determine my style by OTHER people. Like some people apparently do. I love my style, I love making my own style, I love BEING my own style. People NEED to back off. I'm not saying this asking for a 'YOUR RIGHT MILEY' in the comments, I'm saying it to EVERYONE. I'm TIRED of it.
For those saying, "She's SO skinny now! she's scrawny, she looks weak!" I've been SICK. I don't react well to illness. I have a heart condition, and a diabetic condition, illness hits me and I'm DOWN. I don't look the same. I do lose a lot of weight, I DO get pale, I DO start feeling and looking weak. That's NO ONE'S business BUT my own. I LOVE my body. I love showing it off. And yes, my style lately HAS been more revealing, it's been more edgy, it's been more rocker and a little more torn and sexy. That's MY thing. I didn't ask for permission OR approval. I like it, I don't caer who does or not?
And F.Y.I. NO boyfriend tells me how to dress, how to act, what to do, or how to do it. For all those people "ASSUMING" that ANYONE tells me how to dress, or how to act - you are TRULY sad if you think you know me. My boyfriend is in NO way, shape, or form, "controlling", "power hungry", or a "fame whore". And anyone who thinks so really needs a hobby. I think I would know. I'm not STUPID, I'm 17, and I think clearer than I garuntee almost any other 17 year old. I'm not stupid, I don't need kids, adults, fans, haters, I don't need ANYONE trying to tell me HOW to live my life, or WHO to live it with. "Why would your parents let you go off for New Years Eve with your boyfriend?!" because I'm GROWING UP?! Becasue my parents are more understanding?! Because my parents WANT me to grow, and mature, and learn things on my OWN. Because I don't learn lessons from stories of peoples experiences I am hungry o know WHAT life is about, and THAT'S what I'm learning. I don't need ANYONE'S permission, and/or approval and/or opinion on it. I'm a changed girl. I am SORRY I'm not 13 anymore but I'm NOT. I am GONNA change, I am GONNA grow in my own way. I don't KNOW where I'll be this time next year! I might be a bleach blonde in red lipstick living in Mexico somewhere, I DON'T KNOW. I go by what my heart tells me. I don't have my life planned out, I wanna live, learn and experience on my own. My parents love me very much and that's MY family, not yours, don't worry about MINE. Because of how THEY taught me, I'm travelling to different countries, I've known love, I've known being IN LOVE, I am living my dream, performing all around the world, doing all kinds of things and YOUR bashing a 17 year old over a computer screen. Real freaking brave guys. Real courageous. Your SO cool for sitting around all day trying to tear down a kid. Whoo wee. I wish I could be that cool, but I'm a good person.
People take so much crap for granted. I can't even hold my boyfriends hand without a million cameras going off, andpeople freaking out all over the world and me getting in trouble for it. I get in trouble for being HAPPY because people WON'T leave me alone! It's not all happy rainbows kids. I get in trouble from agents, and from publicists and everything else for what I do. But I do it anyway because it's MY life, and when I look back 10 years from now, I'd regret not holding those moments close. Everyone takes something as simple as holding hands like 'oh whatever, it's cute.' no. It's PARADISE for me. because I don't GET to do that often! So why are you sitting around bashing me? Go live your LIFE.
Anyway, I'm done trynig to explain it. I'm happier than I have ever been, no matter who "my boyfriend" may be, no matter what's going on between us, no matter what anyone says, and no matter what hollywood tries to do to us. I am HAPPY. And I'm staying that way. I'm not letting people take advantage of that. The internet is SUCH a dangerous place. I also wanted to add in this 'rage blog' --- I AM NOT YOUR KIDS PARENT. I UNDERSTAND that a rolemodel is suppose to teach your kid or whatever, and I LOVE being a role model, but for REAL kids. The ones who WILL make mistakes, the ones who look at me and say "I've been through that." "I'm going through that." not the ones that are expected to grow up happy, never upset, never changed. It's GONNA HAPPEN FOLKS. Kids GROW UP. And I'm GROWING UP. You can't keep me from that so I can babysit your kids and try and raise them to be stick figures. That's done. I am MYSELF, I LOVE my fans, no matter how young, no matter how old. And I understand no matter what I do it's gonna affect some portion but I love them ALL with ALL of my heart. I wouldn't do ANY of this without those kids, and those adults and EVERYONE. I wouldn't be doing half of this. I can't keep going on - basically I am beyond thankful for everyone, each and every indivudual person that supports me, but that doesn't make me a parent or perfect. I'm growing up. And I'm loving it.
I'm sorry to thsoe who don't like the changes I've made, but I will continue changing. It's not becuase of a boy, or because I'm rebelling from my parents, it's because I am changing. And I want people to see me, and know who I am. I want to be my own person, live my own experiences, and love whoever I want to love, and believe whatever I want to believe. I am a human.
I love you all so much and God bless you.
R.I.P. my "vacation"... I've enjoyed every second of you, "mate". Living, loving, laughing. Being myself, and being treated like a normal person by some of the sweetest people in one of the sweetest places on earth. I cannot wait to visit again, and I cannot wait to show off my new self to hollywood, and show that no matter how corrupted a city and the people in it may be, I can shine, and I can be my true self, and I can be truly happy. And I can be different. I am excited for 2010. The Year Of No Fear. No kidding. I can't wait. =]
Saturday, January 2, 2010
My best friend Demi said, 'Oh she's just being Miley.'
So, we're really excited ( we, being me and Demi) because of quite a few things. One, we're both in the south right this second, this will change probably tomorrow or sometime following very soon after. Both of our bestie Nick J had his FIRST show of his Nick Jonas & The Administration tour today YAAYYYY!!! We're so proud of him and love him with our whole haerts, we're supporting and I know he's super stoked, and we are too. We can't wait. His album also DROPPEd today, so everyone should go check it out! I got mine already, I'm in love with Who I Am, the video was honestly absolutely amazing and it's just so awesome and I cried it was amazing.
ANYWAY, we're both so excited for what the future holds and what 2010 will bring us. More Send it On work, more work and fun with eachother. we just can't wait.
To kick off this awesome year together we've both opened a twitter account. Like I've said in previous blogs (I'm sure) I had an account @wearebesties for me and Scott Cunha, we ran that and stuff while on tour. But he is a hair dresser and continues to work with others and we won't be able to see eachother anytime soon, and when we can we don't want to spend our time tweeting! So I texted Demi, and we decided we'd take it over TOGETHER. Which is awesome for the fans because ya'll can see both of us tweeting, without it being official and the media being all up in it, but also relate to us, two people you ALL know and hopefully understand better as the tweeting progresses. So follow twitter.com/wearebesties. REMEMBER, THE ONLY ACTUAL SITES I AM ON - twitter.com/theheartofmiley twitter.com/wearebesties tennesseesmile.blogspot.com mileyworld.com youtube.com/mileymandy. =] And Demi is twitter.com/ddlovato twitter.com/wearebesties!!! =]
ANYWAY, we're both so excited for what the future holds and what 2010 will bring us. More Send it On work, more work and fun with eachother. we just can't wait.
To kick off this awesome year together we've both opened a twitter account. Like I've said in previous blogs (I'm sure) I had an account @wearebesties for me and Scott Cunha, we ran that and stuff while on tour. But he is a hair dresser and continues to work with others and we won't be able to see eachother anytime soon, and when we can we don't want to spend our time tweeting! So I texted Demi, and we decided we'd take it over TOGETHER. Which is awesome for the fans because ya'll can see both of us tweeting, without it being official and the media being all up in it, but also relate to us, two people you ALL know and hopefully understand better as the tweeting progresses. So follow twitter.com/wearebesties. REMEMBER, THE ONLY ACTUAL SITES I AM ON - twitter.com/theheartofmiley twitter.com/wearebesties tennesseesmile.blogspot.com mileyworld.com youtube.com/mileymandy. =] And Demi is twitter.com/ddlovato twitter.com/wearebesties!!! =]
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- My best friend Demi said, 'Oh she's just being Mil...
About Me

- Miley
- I am experiencing new things, I am learning new lessons, I am living my life.